[center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Breakthrough Crew!] At first, the mischief making fairy was certain this would do to sew chaos...up until the psycho with the spears pinned one of his men to the ground on the bad end of a javelin. ...Uh-oh. Order was restored through fear, and Liliana was forced to hide in a ceiling beam out of sight. But...well, it did at least prove that this guy had some semblance of leadership or seniority to him. A good start, but...Liliana had a feeling a better start would be to pursue the group en route to this "Merneptah". But given the rain, Liliana wouldn't last long without being human-sized, which would break her cover quickly. As such, she'd have to entrust that duty to the others going to the manor. If all went well, Liliana could somehow cause enough chaos to completely shut the barracks down, so that her friends could go about unimpeded. [color=f49ac2][i]"Alright, Whimsy...let's get the biggest, meanest cow we possibly can! This time, hedging all bets on...Summon Cow!"[/i][/color] The fairy thought, raising her sword, sheathed in her invisibility before a sigil formed on the ground in the center of the barracks. Rather than the usual bovine however...something resembling a man emerged. [url=https://i.imgur.com/9iaAjnL.png]A titan of a monster,[/url] the minotaur stood at nearly ten feet tall, with an axe bigger than any man in the room clenched in one hand. Scars littered his body, and steam spilled out of the iron mask that adorned his (probably) hideous face, silver hair billowing out from beneath as he looked down at the Varjans who were, by now, past the point of initial shock and readying their weapons. [color=ed1c24][b][i]"...This place...it reeks of blood."[/i][/b][/color] the minotaur said, gripping his axe tighter, a glimmer of red visible in the dark recesses of the mask. [color=ed1c24][b][i]"Varjans again. Bart...Neil...Talia...Father...I promise."[/i][/b][/color] he said, before gripping his axe tighter. In a moment, the entire barracks would become a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LqPBCjHd_I]battlefield[/url]. [color=ed1c24][b][i]"I won't run this time. Not again. Not ever,"[/i][/b][/color] the minotaur mumbled, before swinging his axe once, cutting through an approaching Varjan, armor and all, as if he hadn't even been there, the pressure of his strike causing winds to cut apart curtains in the building, and for Liliana to nearly be flung from her perch if she hadn't dug Whimsy into the roof beam. [color=f49ac2][b][i]"I THINK WE WENT TOO BIG AND MEAN! Since when could we summon Minotaurs with that spell!?"[/i][/b][/color] she whispered, gulping as the scene grew chaotic. But, Liliana knew she couldn't just leave this minotaur now...a rampaging cow was something, but this was a living, breathing person she'd just summoned right into a pack of Varjans! Descending from the rafters while still invisible, Liliana would seek to pick off any Varjans using bows before they could target her new temporary ally, hoping this minotaur was as strong as he looked.