[quote=@souleaterfan320] *amaranthine crystallizes at the base of my neck where your blade touches, comsuming any residual energy from the blade* You had your chance to kill me and ruined it, David. *Soul Calibur clinks against solidified amaranthine at my stomach, and grab both of your hands, forcing your arms out and to the side while pulling you in close for a well placed headbutt, and upon letting go, I grab you by the throat, firing a shard of amaranthine through it* But that chance was long gone. And I'm gonna take out any other competition along the way. [/quote] *That me fizzles out and I dash from now-behind you and slices across your back in an X pattern, combining the purifying and corrupting power of the swords* You're out of power and you won't be able to escape. This is it for you—you're finished.