[quote=@souleaterfan320] He who believes in light without shadow is a fool, he who cannot live within both light and shadow is even more so. The blade collides with my skull, cracking it faintly, and I grit my teeth* You're anooying the hell out of me with these petty attacks. *darts towards you in a flash, hitting you full on with planet-cracking strength in the sternum with a well placed punch* [/quote] *In a puff of smoke as that me fizzles out, stands a distance away in his place* PaMDA, activate counterattack protocol: The Legend. *From the spot I stand springs countless duplicates of myself, each taking a different approach to cut you down with various paths and techniques, and whichever one ends up in a position to inflict the most damage becomes real, and from its position countless new clones take its place, barraging you with maximum-effectiveness attacks*