[h2]Library[/h2] "Oh? No, no, she's never done something like this before, or hasn't since long before our time," Florian answered, shaking his head, "I hope you won't mind if I show you the city first? Merilia didn't tell us anything about how your goal is to be accomplished, and better to make a day of exploring Talderia than to rush headlong into the wilderness." On Fleuri's entrance, the hundi left the famous knight's arm, energetically darting from place to place to examine him before giving a satisfied hum. "This is the tournament knight, Flori?" "Yes, that's the one." "He doesn't [i]look[/i] that impressive." "Randon dearest, I've told you time and again that creativity and willpower are at [i]least[/i] as impressive as technique. All the skill in the world may give you excellent results, but a repeat performance quickly grows stale without a willingness to thrust yourself into something novel. "Now, I was just offering to show your compatriot around, Flower; you're [i]more[/i] than welcome to join us. Perhaps you would like to remove that armour first? It looks to be a hot day." [hr] [h2]Entrance[/h2] "Ericht visits occasionally, but I think someone could show you to his townhouse. Shorty would be the best for that, but she's out..." Cyrus stroked his beard, "I can't say I've ever visited myself. I'm more interested in his countryside estates."