[hider=Stormy][CENTER][h1][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/h1][youtube]https://youtu.be/lqGTCR0a3Hw?si=Hya3-VM-5Eq_7FuT[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"Now which one of you damn fools thought you could get away with killing my brothers and sisters?"[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158583197341335572/1177407692122357860/image.png?ex=6572655c&is=655ff05c&hm=858cbaf5a11279fcc338cb38ec3fd06d3fef1c1563887a25300db96491fd0c4d&=&format=webp[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=00FF98]Stormy Jasper Carson[/color] [color=00FF98] He/Him [b]|[/b] 25 [b]|[/b] White [b]|[/b] 6’1" [b]|[/b] 203lbs [/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=00FF98]Unfaltering[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=00FF98]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"Need a hand?"[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [b][color=00FF98]Academic ⫻[/color][/b] Stormy has a PhD in world history, and teaches at a University a few days away from St. Portwell. It might not help much in a fight, but being a Paranormal, he also knows about of lot of historic events that [i]aren't[/i] academically recognized. [b][color=00FF98]Mean Left Hook ⫻[/color] One of Stormy's oldest hobbies is boxing, the man throws hands like nobody's business. If he didn't go the college professor route, he could've gone on to be a pro boxer.[/b] [b][color=00FF98]Built like a Fucking Tank ⫻[/color] Stormy is, also, pretty damn sturdy. You can't just swing a baseball bat over his ribs and call it a day, this man will grab you like a sack of grain and throw you through the wall if you're not careful about how close you are.[/b] [b][color=00FF98]Upstanding Member of Society ⫻[/color] You would think that this would be a given, but most people in the magic world are less than capable of passing scrutiny from people like the PRA. Stormy has not been convicted of heinous crimes or anything similar. He's technically untouchable.[/b] [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=00FF98]Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"And that's how I got this scar."[/i] [indent]Stormy's a pretty big dude, built like a nuclear bunker and has the presence to back it up. You would never expect a man who wears Carhartt, has ink up to his elbows, and the most glorious facial hair you've ever seen to be the academic type. Having grown up tough, he also has a lot of muscle that often goes unseen by most, with a build like most professional boxers. Add in the boots, and Stormy seems more like a lumberjack than a wizard or a professor, with plenty of pockets and thick layers to keep warm. He gives off a sort of "gentle giant" atmosphere, like a rhino that could kill you without effort, who looks at you without flinching, but doesn't feel the need to aggress. Stormy is also covered in old, mostly faded scars from his time with the coven. Fighting the Stygian Snake left its mark, but he usually tells people who ask that he got them in street fights as a kid, rather than fights with a demigod.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=00FF98]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Things have gotten better before. They'll get better again, you'll see."[/i] [INDENT][b][color=00FF98]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] To protect his old friends, and make sure that life will go on for everyone involved. [color=00FF98][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] One thousand failures, one thousand and one victories. Stormy doesn't let life get him down. He stands up and faces everything with conviction to spare, and always looks out for the ones who can't. [color=00FF98][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] He's an open book. [color=00FF98][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=00FF98][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Failure, defeat, not being good enough... Pretty much everything that comes down to him specifically. [color=00FF98][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy was a beacon for people who needed it. He stood up for others and made sure no one was left out in the cold, literally or figuratively. He was like a big protective bear, always looking after everyone and shielding them from harm. Stormy never did anything wrong to anyone, and went to their aid to keep the peace whenever possible. [color=00FF98][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy was the reason the Stygian Snake did not wipe out the coven. Rows of shields lining the battlefield when it was all out war, unshakeable barriers protecting the wounded from the worst of it all while they were healed, apparitions burning away under the influence of his magic, and more. He kept people alive by making the Snake's actions so much harder to pull off, punishing it for every inch of ground it took and hammering it with magic that weakened down to the point that the Apparition Killer was worth a damn. [color=00FF98][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy is about as bull-headed and stubborn as they come. He moves on slowly with some things, and doesn’t budge for years on others. He will push for what is best even when it’s detrimental, because Stormy can’t bear to see people fall without getting back up. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=00FF98]Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Good times..."[/i] [indent]Stormy was born and raised in St. Portwell, by a single father who had... Issues. He had an affinity for alcohol that most people would call unreasonable, but Stormy called it what it was, an addiction. He didn't have it particularly easy growing up, and he has his kindling event during this time. He saw visions of magic, of ancestors in a bloodline, and of strange entities that he couldn't comprehend. He kept his magic a secret, since he didn't understand it enough or trust his deadbeat dad. So he looked for answers. That was how he found out about the Stygian Snake. No longer being a Blind, seeing it streak across the sky was absolute terror to him, and he was curious. This was how he met the Sycamore Tree Coven. He was totally new to the world of magic, and they were his first introduction into it. He quickly made himself commonplace there, finally having a safe environment where he could come into his own sense of self. His magic took the form of a shield, which blocked off red Lux from other paranormals. He expanded on this and made a different shield for the rest, and then developed a spell to protect against Apparitions after he decided to help fight the Stygian Snake. And against all odds, they won. These people became family to him, and he fought tooth and nail on the battlefield to keep them from harm. If he wasn't setting up mass beachheads for others to stage their plans from, he was in the thick of things, punching the living shit out of the Snake's minions with glowing fists. It was exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. They won, even if everyone wasn't left standing in the end. When the secrets came out about what Britney had done, Stormy was among the first to condemn her. After that, everything went to shit. Perhaps it was the fact that Stormy benefited so much from the coven, but he felt the loss of their cohesiveness more than most. Stormy stayed until there was no one left. He was [i]the[/i] last member of the Sycamore Tree Coven to carry that title. And after everyone left, he stayed. He stayed to figure out what to do with himself, how to move on, and how to find his own way in the world. Of course, life always goes on, so he figured it all out. He worked himself to the bone, saving up money to go to college. He decided to figure life out the hard way, to put his mind at ease, and it all worked out for him. About six years later, Stormy got a PhD, and landed a position at a university in one of the nicest, "fanciest" parts of the state. Life was normal ever since. He never did much in the world of magic, never made a name for himself as some sort of legendary Adept, but he [i]did[/i] hang around some magical individuals in his private time. Everything was good, until Auri called him. Ashley had been murdered, along with many other members. Naturally, hearing about this after so much time was difficult to grapple with, but she asked for his help. Auri needed people to come home and figure out who was murdering people. So, after a few days of making arrangements, Stormy changed all of his classes to an online format, and hit the road. [/indent] [sub][b][color=00FF98]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"NOT. ONE. STEP. FURTHER!!!"[/i] [indent][color=00FF98][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept [color=00FF98][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]Yellow Lux.[/i] Stormy's channeler is an old wristwatch. [color=00FF98][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy's magic lets him create incredibly strong and varied defenses for every occasion. He is a magic tank who turns the area into a hazard for enemies, and a sanctuary for his friends. [color=00FF98][b]Chromatic Shield ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy can create a circular shield of magic energy that suppresses incoming Lux on contact. Every shield can can also repel physical attacks, such as bullets or a sudden sledgehammer, but their true potential comes from dealing with other Adepts. The shields he creates this way have a distinct visual cue confirming which form of Lux will be affected. Fireballs that hit a red shield will be snuffed out, undead minions will crumble to dust when smacked with a black shield, and those suffering from a curse will be temporarily relieved when they touch a blue shield. [color=00FF98][b]Phantombane ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy can project a magic aura that repels Apparitions. Like iron to a fairy, or sunlight to a vampire, the entities not native to Shimmer grow sick and frail around the aura, getting worse until they get the hell away. By touching someone and receiving their permission, he can also give them their own copy of this aura by entering their emotional field. Whoever has a Phantombane aura is completely defended from any influence of an Apparition, even if they are somehow under its influence. This can temporarily separate the Adjoined from the Apparitions that they've bonded to, without causing any harm to the Adjoined. [color=00FF98][b]Consecration ⫻[/b][/color] The exact opposite of Phantombane. Stormy infuses an object, small area, or a person with energy that debilitates entities that are considered Aberrations. What type of Aberration they are is irrelevant, as the spell does not discriminate. On contact with the magic, Aberrant targets will feel a burning sensation of pain and weakness overtake them as their connection to magic and the Paranormal diminishes. Adepts and Apparitions adjoined to the afflicted will feel absolutely nothing, and may not even realize the spell is active. Stormy's favorite way to execute this spell is to punch something with it. [color=00FF98][b]Iron Fortress ⫻[/b][/color] Using all of his concentration, Stormy can surround himself in an immensely durable dome of magic energy. Anyone trying to get past it is stuck; No one goes in and no one goes out. The Iron Fortress is drastically stronger than the Chromatic Shields, trading mobility and nullification for enough toughness to brush off a runaway train. Trying to break through it to hurt anyone benefiting from the protection is like trying to break through a brick wall with a plastic spoon. You're just wasting your time, and should just find a way to bait him out somehow. [color=00FF98][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Stormy is a protector first, and a fighter second. His magic hinges on keeping people safe, but they won't always need safety. He is effectively prone to tunnel vision in this way, and doesn't have as much destructive power as others. [color=00FF98][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [/INDENT] [sup][b] Other[/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I can grade three dozen final exam papers and solve a murder mystery at the same time. Don't think I can? Watch me."[/i] Stormy drives a [url=https://imgs.search.brave.com/s4DHnD9_RJV-ykR-2PbMeD15z3Dixw0MLDliXl7--Ac/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxv/YWQud2lraW1lZGlh/Lm9yZy93aWtpcGVk/aWEvY29tbW9ucy9j/L2M3LzE5OTMtMTk5/Nl9DYWRpbGxhY19G/bGVldHdvb2RfLS1f/MTEtMjAtMjAxMS5q/cGc]Cadillac[/url] from the early 2000s. [indent]Anyyyything else?[/INDENT] [/hider]