Rolan furrowed his brow when it was mentioned that they tour the city of Talderia. The city was in good order? Things were prior to the city sinking into the ground and becoming an eternal monster producing hole in the ground, and hearing that the dead legend knights, at least the Mirror Knight, had no idea of any of this sort of punched a hole in the theory that had been developing. Still, if the city was a resource and not a hurdle, well, all the better to get a grasp on what it could provide. [color=lightblue]"Considering my current theories hold about as much water as an paper sieve, a tour of Talderia would be a good first step."[/color] Allowing the attention to shift to Fleuri, using the chance to gather more information. The Mirror Knight knew Fleuri, that implied the dream fights that, apparently, they had collectively had were remembered by the dead legends. That meant, should he cross paths with Parvan again, well, he would have to actually hold a conversation and trade blows and barbs. That was a concern he would need to mull over at a later time, as it was reiterated that the Mirror Knight had offered a tour of Talderia. Knowing the city before its fall, before its tragedy, could prove to be rather useful. The suggestion to remove one's armor almost brought a scoff from Rolan. One advantage to not prancing around in heavy armor all the time made it easy to shift from combat to patrol, to even wandering around during periods of downtime, without too much need to change things up that much. Still, another Rose would be very welcome, especially if Fleuri already had a rapport of sorts with the Mirror Knight. [color=lightblue]"Commentary on attire aside, it is probably a smart idea to not wander off without at least someone else from our merry little band of those hand picked for additional training. Safety in numbers, as they say."[/color] [@Crimson Paladin] [@Raineh Daze]