Yvonne helped Sparky sit up, following some more instructions about the stuff... huh, sticky gauze. That's so convenient. Even without help, it's probably feasible for self-care with this kit. Well, feasible. Definitely would feel so messy. They got rather close for her to wrap the bandage around, enough to feel each other's breath. Yvonne didn't think too much of it, instead idly noticing that the sky's somewhat brighter than when she had started, a very dark blue instead of pitch-black. An idle musing broken by a soft sensation at her cheek. [b][color=#a4161a]"Whuh??"[/color][/b] It's always the unexpected that gets you. The surprise lasted long enough for Sparky to steal the bandage from her hands, the mercenary blinking rather dumbly a few times before inching away to give the elf some room to work. That's just so bloody confusing, she thought that Sparky's not interested in her? Way to send a mixed signal. Or maybe she's just overthinking. But then again, no one knows what an elf may think at any given time. [b][color=#a4161a]"Oh you. You really shouldn't be moving."[/color][/b] That said, Yvonne did nothing beyond an exasperated sigh as she scooted back and started cleaning the tools. Well, as clean as it could get. There's only so much liquor in that flask, and it's probably mixed with blood at this point. She need to find the time to properly boil it later... ...come to think of it, what took the infiltration team so long?