[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/sXBXWSnT/The-Question-logo-600x257.png[/img][/center] A small picture of a famous rapper hailing from New York City was pressed up against a bulletin board by a red thumb tack. A red string attached to the thumb tack linked the picture to a newspaper clipping about an increase in drug usage among teens, which was in turn linked to a picture of a New York City drug kingpin, which was in turn linked to a newspaper clipping about increased gang activity in the NYC metropolitan area, and so on and so forth. [color=cadetblue][b]"Wait... No, that's not it."[/b][/color] The Question pulled the rapper's picture off the board. Even though the rapper's music was laden with drug references, that still wasn't concrete proof that he was involved in this drug ring the Question had been investigating. A finger tapped against his masked chin as he considered whether to abandon this lead or not. His racing thoughts were enough to distract him from the hazy mist slowly seeping into his room from the vents. Then, the intercom came on. "[color=red]This is Red Tornado speaking. I strongly suspect that our base of operations has been struck by some type of airborne poison. However there is a small chance the instance of gaseous fumes is coincidental, so I do not feel confident declaring it for certain. Regardless, please attempt to find a safe place to avoid further contact with potential toxins.[/color]" [color=cadetblue][b]"Hrm? ... Hmm."[/b][/color] The Question noticed the mist enveloping his room. He almost panicked before remembering the filter built into his mask. Even still, he knew that it wouldn't be able to fight off the mist's effects for long. Breaking into a sprint, the faceless vigilante left his room, holding a sleeve up to his mouth to hopefully help against the gas. He continued his sprint towards the monitor room, but it was a struggle to make his way through the halls with the thick clouds of gas. His breathing grew increasingly labored, and he came to a stop as his chest was racked with coughs. Footsteps were approaching from up ahead. Suddenly, he felt small. Through the mist, a tall man in priest's attire approached him. The sight of the man brought the Question back to his childhood in the orphanage and [url=https://i.postimg.cc/5NPb17LS/image-2023-12-05-150939167.png]the encounter he had with this man so long ago[/url]. [color=cadetblue][b]"No..."[/b][/color] [b]"Are you ready for some real fun, Victor?"[/b]