[center][h3][color=E137E3]Caty Davis, Nearby Roof, Same Night, Around the Same Time[/color][/h3][/center] "You really don't want to give us a try again?" A young man with white hair asked, pleading to a hooded figure. [color=E137E3]"How many times do I have to say no? I like you, Felix, I do. But it's kind of hard to get over your boyfriend leaving you for your twin brother because he liked the bad attitude some alien suit gave him."[/color] The hooded figure responded. She took off her hood to reveal Spider-Woman. "Oh, come on. That was almost two years ago. You can't still be held up on that. I said I was sorry. I was immature. I didn't know what I wanted, but now I do. I want you." [color=E137E3]"I'm what you want right now. Like a cat you'll be onto the next thing as soon as you're bored. Either way, you're too late."[/color] "For someone who's named Cat you sure have a serious thing against them. And too late? Don't tell me this is about that Octopus guy." [color=E137E3]"Arachnid... and no. It's about me. And what'd I tell you about calling me that?"[/color] "That I'm the only one that can." [color=E137E3]"You were, but now I hate the nickname even more."[/color] Their conversation was interrupted by a sound in Spider-Woman's ear. [color=cc0000]"Come in, Spider-Woman. Come in Spider-Woman. This is Arachnid."[/color] She pressed the earpiece and spoke back to the man on the other side. [color=E137E3]"Spider-Woman here. I'm reading you, Arachnid. What's up?"[/color] [color=cc0000]"It appears that your Holiday Theory may have some merit to it, because it seems that someone has plans of canceling Christmas. A giant spider monkey creature is attacking Times Square."[/color] [color=E137E3]"I swear someone out there hates me. I'm on my way."[/color] She clicked the communicator off before Otto or Felix could say anything else. "You have to go." Felix said walking up to her and reaching for her hands. [color=E137E3]"I do."[/color] She wanted to pull her back, but couldn't. "I can't come, can I?" [color=E137E3]"No. You'll only get in the way. Maybe prove me wrong and get some people out of there?"[/color] Spider-Woman stepped back and reached her hand outwards. She couldn't wait for his answer. People needed her. She pressed her fingers to her wrist releasing a string of web before jumping off the building. [color=E137E3]"Siri, call Danny."[/color]