[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zVLsAqz.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231206/0f6847ce5955ebb191ba3f7d6c856441.png[/img][/center] Danny sat on top of a stone gargoyle on the phone with his friend Harry. The air was thick with tension. He had been dreading this for a while, but it needed to happen. [color=pink]“Harry, I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but I have to make this right…”[/color] “Danny, we need to talk about what happened with that Symbiote. You let it take over, and you—” Danny, interrupted with a defensive tone, [color=pink]“I know, Harry. I messed up. I regret picking up that damn thing. But I didn’t exactly plan for an alien goo to latch onto me and turn me into… that.”[/color] Harry’s frustration was palpable as he continued, “It’s not just about the Symbiote, Danny. You let it change you. You hurt people, you hurt your own reputation, and you hurt the idea of Spider-Man.” A heavy sigh escaped Danny as he ran a hand through his hair. [color=pink]“I get it, Harry. I messed up my whole superhero thing. People don’t see Spider-Man as the friendly neighborhood hero anymore. They see me as a threat.”[/color] Harry’s tone softened. “I’m not just talking about your superhero image, Danny. I’m talking about you. You lost yourself in that darkness, and I… I didn’t know how to reach you.” Danny’s shoulders slumped, the guilt weighed heavily on him. [color=pink]“I’m sorry, Harry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to feel powerful for once, to prove I could handle things. But I lost control, and now I’ve alienated everyone, including you.”[/color] Harry’s voice, a mixture of concern and disappointment, came through the phone, “Look, Danny, we’ve been through a lot together. I’m not saying it’s easy to forgive and forget, but we need to figure out how to move forward from this.” Danny took a deep breath. [color=pink]“I don’t want to be that person, Harry. I need to find a way to fix this, to make things right. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help. I want to be the Spider-Man people can believe in again.”[/color] There was a lingering pause before Harry responded. [color=pink]“I want to believe you, Danny. But you have to show me, show everyone, that you’re serious about fixing this mess. The city needs Spider-Man, not some dark version of him.”[/color] Before Danny could say anything else, his phone beeped. It was Caty on the other end. [color=pink]“Sorry about this. Caty is on the other end. We’ll talk about this later.”[/color] He pressed the button, and switched to Caty. [color=pink]“Hey, what’s going on?”[/color] She said something about a giant Spider Monkey attacking Times Square. It sounded ridiculous, but Danny had been through a lot of ridiculous things these past few years. [color=pink]“On my way!”[/color] He put his mask on, spun some pink web, and swung off.