[center][h1]Bianca Manalo[/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/H0PZlqQ.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Nobody directly [code]Veni Vedi Veni[/code][/right][hr] Nothing beat going to a strip club on a rare day off. Bianca sat at the bar near the back, bottle of Heineken beer in hand. She was in a relatively inconspicuous spot… if she wasn’t a woman in a stripclub filled with cheating husbands. But hey, it wasn’t her fault most gays didn’t go to places like this. The loud thrum of music filled the air, and the low murmurs of patrons and strippers wasn’t even bothersome. She tapped her fingers against the table in front of her, smiling slightly as she took another sip of her beer, gaze slowly flickering between the stage and the entrance. Since she’d miraculously gotten the Sycamore Tree coven reunion day off, she’d considered actually attending the meeting. Even if she couldn’t actually help them, because that was Kali’s job (and they couldn’t afford to have two people doing the work when only one was actually necessary), it would’ve been nice to see everyone. Relive old times, maybe, when she would’ve been in a strip club like this with other riotous friends and a fake ID. Those sure were the days, when all they had to worry about was a single interdimensional threat as opposed to multiple threats that, while confined to one dimension, incurred a hell of a lot more paperwork. There wasn’t any paperwork when she was a teenager. Damn, she missed that. Paperwork was the one thing the job could really do without. Of course, it wasn’t completely a day off. If it was she wouldn’t be sitting in a wolf club run stripclub… She’d be sitting in a much classier one somewhere else! Being a bit of a workaholic, paperwork aside, she couldn’t just relax. At least here there was a chance of seeing something that’d help pin down the Wolfpack, and she got to feel the relaxing aura of attractive women shaking their asses on stage. Hopefully it would be a nice, peaceful time filled with- [h3][i]"SECURITY! GET HER OUT OF HERE!"[/i][/h3] Bea’s head snapped towards the commotion, hand dropping to her side out of reflex… Except she wasn’t in her normal uniform. Going to this place in a suit would get her at best kicked out. So of course she’d dressed down. It wasn’t hard to find out who was causing the problem… Especially when there were two fucking phantom hands batting the bouncers away like it was nothing. Bea’s lips fell open. She wasn’t shocked by the hands, so much - paranormals like that was just an everyday thing. It was more [i]who[/i] they belonged to. What was Alizée doing here? Suddenly her relaxing day off was getting a lot less relaxing. Ah, kidnapping was totally illegal. Even if it was in a seedy club the law hardly reached. Not that there was anything she could actually do. Sure, when she’d actually known the girl she would’ve rushed right in there to stop her… But she wasn’t the same Bianca she’d been back then. It seemed some people hadn’t changed one bit. What to do… she wasn’t going to call in backup over what looked like a petty fight between two girls. Even if one of the girls had magic that she used for nefarious purposes too often. It was fine. Her boss would have her ass if she called in something so small… But she’d also have her ass if it became bigger when it could’ve been prevented. A bit of a dilemma. So much on the line… Like her view of Violet and Pink dancing their asses off! Bea let out a light sigh as if she had to do something, rather than just ignoring it, and stood up. She pulled a cigarette out of the pack in her pocket, holding it between her teeth as she headed outside (taking her beer), slipping on a pair of large frame shades. Could never be too safe, Alizée might recognise her. She’d just pretend she was out there for a smoke, something she only did on occasions like this, and observe. Keeping a careful eye on Alizée, Bea edged around the building so she was away from the entrance. Leaning against the wall, she lit her cigarette and tilted her head away as if she wasn’t looking in that direction, while her shade covered eyes flickered back over to Alizée… And the four girls surrounding her. Maybe a bit more than a petty fight. A very uneven one, at that. Bea was considering whether she should step in after all when a colossal man joined Alizée- one she also knew. Was the whole coven here? Maybe Bea didn’t skip the meeting after all. She leaned back against the wall, taking another drag of her cigarette. She’d just continue to carefully observe, and if things got really bad, maybe she’d make the call.