[h3][color=thistle]Io[/color][/h3] {@breakthroughfriends} The sudden attack made short work of the lesser fighters - a necessary move to prevent complications, though Io unfortunately did not dispatch the biggest threat. The mage was upon her in an instant, showing much faster reflexes than most of the other Varjans she had encountered. Of course, simply being knocked aside would not deter Io. Perhaps he thought that getting close would unnerve an enemy caster, but Io was no fresh mage. She knew with multiple targets in different areas, the mage would be hard-pressed to deal with everyone at once. She quickly broke down the situation, identifying the spell from the surge in magical energy as he rose his staff. '[color=thistle]This is why I prepared this...![/color]' She leaped from her prone position, reaching out with her hand to grasp any part of the mage she could, the incantation for a draining touch recited impossibly quickly in the moment. Io aimed to steal any kind of magical energy she could from the mage, of course, but it held another purpose in potentially disrupting the caster's spell at the same time. '[color=thistle]Are you trained well enough to withstand a mana short such as this, Varjan?[/color]' She wondered as her draining spell was cast.