[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FaCzAxe.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FePJtcZ.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Edict [@AtomicEmperor], Britney [@Punished GN], Sloane [@Atrophy] [code]Flowers and Canvasses[/code][/right][hr] [quote=Britney]"But, they didn't already ban you from all of them? Shocker."[/quote] Linqian let out a short laugh, shrugging one shoulder. [color=CD5C5C]”I think they’ll have forgotten me after eight years.”[/color] She stepped away from Greyson when everyone started piling onto him - she sure as hell didn’t want them in her face as well. But something about the way Sloane and Jack talked really rubbed her the wrong way. Sure, Greyson’s little poking tendrils were annoying as shit. She really hated having her mind prodded like the next person… but cursing his Channeler? Come on. That set a precedence Linqian [i]really[/i] hated. Who put stuck up bitch Sloane in charge anyway. It was so bad that Greyson had started crying. Damn. Or maybe that was because of Britney. Sure, his defence was a bit shaky. Ridiculous, even. Nobody was going to become his docile little followers… But that didn’t mean Sloane could strongarm him. Fuck that. [color=CD5C5C]”It’s not like you need to let him in, Sloane,”[/color] Linqian snapped, rolling her eyes. [color=CD5C5C]”Just ignore it, or tell him to piss off. Who put you in charge, anyway? You modify his channeler and then what next, everyone else’s. Fuck off.”[/color] While she was getting pissed at Sloane, Greyson had made his exit. Fair enough. She was pretty tempted to follow him… Honestly she didn’t want to hear what Sloane had to say in response. She didn’t want to hear anything from Sloane, ever. What would be more beneficial to her? Feds, stuck up bitches and jocks (that she did get on with), or rich shady guy? It was a tough one… Yeah, today she’d choose the latter. She didn’t care about all the Britney drama anyway, let them fight it out. [color=CD5C5C]”Whatever. I’m gonna go make sure Greyson isn’t sobbing in an alleyway somewhere.”[/color] She slipped past Stormy, giving him a slight nod, and out into the chilly outdoors. She pulled her dark grey, fleece jacket close around her and glanced around for wherever Greyson had gone. Ah, there he was, smoking in front of a library. Classy. [color=CD5C5C]”Room for one more?”[/color] Linqian approached him. She didn’t actually wait for his response, squeezing in beside him. She rummaged in her pockets for her own cigarette packet (the cheapest you could get), pulling one out before continuing to search for a lighter. Which she couldn’t find. She glanced to the side… It would be easy to ask to borrow Greyson’s, but why bother, when he had a perfectly good lit cigarette of his own. Cigarette in hand, she leaned forward unnecessarily, and put the end against the burning embers of Greyson’s. She wasn’t bothered about invading his personal space - if he could touch up their minds, she could lean into him like this. Still, once her own cigarette was lit, she leaned back again, taking a long drag of it. [color=CD5C5C]”So, Edict, huh? What, do you run a cult now?”[/color] It would explain the priest getup. She took another drag of her cigarette, breathing out the smoke into the cold autumnal air. [color=CD5C5C]”Don’t happen to have any well paying cult jobs, do you?”[/color] It was said lightly, but there was a seriousness hidden behind Linqian’s teasing. She actually did need money. She just wasn’t shameless enough to ask for that, or expect anything for free. Nor did she want that pity… But a job? Edict must have one. After all, he was seemingly still loaded. It wasn’t something she would’ve considered before. Jinhai disliked Greyson for obvious reasons, and household decisions were always joint. Back then she’d had [i]dreams[/i]. Jinhai would become a lawyer and then she could cut back on work, maybe get her GED and go back into education. She wouldn’t have to worry about money so much. But her hopes of a better future had died with him. As had their minimal savings, spent on his small funeral and her brother’s flights to come over and back for it. Hell, she still had his ashes in her house because she couldn’t afford a plot for them. Pushing away the wave of depression and harsh reality that had hit her, Linqian sucked on her cigarette. It helped a bit. [color=CD5C5C]”Must be tough for Sloane, spending ten years with a stick up her ass. No wonder she’s so tetchy.”[/color] Linqian snorted, as if she wasn’t incredibly touchy too. But unlike Sloane she didn’t act like she was holier than thou, and she wasn’t about to start demanding people’s belongings. She’d just burn them if they really pissed her off. [color=CD5C5C]”She could’ve just told you to fuck off like the rest of us.”[/color] She rolled her eyes, cigarette touching her lips for another smoke. Sloane probably saw herself as the next coven dictator, starting with the least controversial target. That pissed Linqian off way more than Greyson’s mind fondling ever could. [color=CD5C5C]”Anyway… You still planning to go to the strip club?”[/color]