[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3YdqYf1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zvnz6I.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Breakthrough[/b][/center][hr] [i]Komatsu Bay[/i]: [@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree](Lili) [@Crowvette] [@Restalaan](Skars)[hr] As he predicted, Shizuka's mist was the perfect cloak to mask the party's presence. Even with their lanterns, they could do little to penetrate the sorcerous fog. Although, while on the way, Io had accidently bumped in to Skarsneek. Io had apparently been staring at Shizuka to the point where she wasn't focused on her surroundings, which earned her a bit of teasing from the goblin. [color=royalblue]"Try to stay focused you two."[/color] He said. [color=royalblue]"We've avoided detection so far, but getting sidetracked in this situation would be lethal."[/color] They were able to make their way to the estate up the hill with no issues. Shizuka and the others saw there were multiple people currently within the mansion, upon closer inspection, two individuals seemed to be conversing about something. It seemed that one of the men speaking was Lord Merneptah, and the sinister chi emanating from him marked him as another Varjan Warlock. During their conversation, Shizuka heard a name drop that he remembered from Kazenosuke's exchange with them: Lord Serek'uar. Could that person really be the one spearheading the whole invasion of Shizuyama? Regardless, it seemed that this Serek'uar didn't see Kyouko-sama's fleet as a threat. Merneptah saw things differently, and apparently was planning to initiate a raid on their forces, preventing them from moving. Shizuka had alot of questions he wanted to ask this man, but it seemed that with his superior senses he was able to sniff them out through the fog. Io decided to take the initiative and make the first strike, with her ice strikes she was able to fell all of the Varjans in the mansion except Merneptah himself, who only seemed to be annoyed by the attack. After a declaration, his brandished his staff and prepped for a counterattack. Skarsneek rushed at him, but the warlock teleported out of the way, and appeared in front of Io. He knocked her aside before she could mount another offense. Thankfully, her resilience allowed her to quickly recover, and she didn't seem too worse for the wear. Merneptah then began channeling a powerful lightning bolt, aiming it straight at Skarsneek. Just as Shizuka was about to make a move, Io had suddenly jumped on the warlock and began draining his mana. At that moment, the ronin thought back to all the times he got too close to a Warlock who was pressed on the defensive. [color=royalblue]"Io-san, no! Get away from him!"[/color] He exclaimed. Despite her monstrous biology, even she may not withstand the suicidal gambit popularized among Varjan spellcasters. With his [[b]Godstep[/b]], Shizuka would unsheathe his blade and using [[b]Gale's Fang[/b]] to attack Merneptah. With the wind generated his plan was to disrupt the lightning spell, cause massive damage with a powerful blow, and grab Io to get her away from him in one fell swoop. He would ensure his blow was not fatal, however, as he needed to keep him alive for now. He wanted more answers. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cDfjYN0.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/0u0wcUo.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NporBQG.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Second Chance[/b][/center][hr] [i]Fort Tanabe[/i]: [@PaulHaynek] [@Restalaan](Grin)[hr] Hinami's attack was successful, as her supernatural strength alone was more than enough to topple the watchtower and send its occupants tumbling to their doom. Gringor, with a bit of help from Lord Takeshi and Lady Kikyo, was able to topple the other one. With the archers now dealt with, the prisoners were now able to continue making their advance. They quickly ran out of Atsuha's barrier and with powerful war cries marched toward their Varjan jailers. However, to further suppress the attack, the Varjan unleashed a pack of vicious wardogs on the Shizuyaman force. Sound steel clashed against fang as the snarling beasts bolted toward the fighers. One would even pounce on Hinami, although her dead flesh barely felt the fangs digging in. Thankfully being a reanimated corpse gave her a higher pain tolerance than most. Before she attempted to stab at the beast to get it off of her, Takeshi fell the hound with a well-placed slash. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh, thank you Takeshi-sama!"[/color] Hinami said. She bowed at Takeshi's directive and went over to Lady Kiyko to support her. [color=7bcdc8]"Please keep my sister safe, My Lord!"[/color] She said to him before he departed. Looking at Lady Kikyo, they sized up their incoming enemies: two Varjan axe warriors and their pets. Hinami brandished her three-sectioned staff and quickly closed the distance between them. The wind raged with Hinami's strikes; She knew that the dogs may be somewhat of a problem for Kikyo so she aimed at them first. Her attacks would shatter the bones of the hounds and send them flying ever which way, and in addition she would be ready to assist Lady Kikyo against the other fighters if need be. On the other hand, while Astuha was supporting the prisoners against the other canines, she would suddenly find herself surrounded by four of them. Being caught off guard, she recoiled a bit as they bit into the carapace that coated her legs. One of them was taken out by a stray kunai, which was then revealed to have came from Lord Takeshi. [color=9e0b0f]"T-Takeshi-san!"[/color] She said, relieved to see him here, only for him to be attacked by another one of the war hounds. With the remaining two still circling her, she quickly began to develop a hatred of dogs. [color=9e0b0f]"I've had enough you filthy mutts!!"[/color] She snapped. She made a handsign that caused the tree on her back to glow a sinister fuchsia. Immediately after, large tree branches began jutting out of the ground and impaled the hounds attacking her, including the one that had tackled Takeshi. She then ran over to him and began to inspect his wounds. [color=9e0b0f]"Are you alright? Let me inspect your skin, you might get infected!"[/color] She said, getting oddly flustered over his potential wounds.