[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar[/h3][/center] [center][h3]// we must go deeper >> Have we gone too deep? //[/h3][/center][/color] Agar took a cautious moment to go over what he was seeing in front of him and go over the new notifications he received. There was plenty of information being gained and so far, it seemed his presence was going unnoticed. The muffle skill and level up were a good addition to his growing skill set and now he knew that he could level up his skills with the experience he gained from using them. His next line of questioning was if he could acquire more skills without having empty skill slots. He decided against the thought of improving his health and mana for now, he could only assume that they would get a slight increase when he leveled up. Thinking to himself knowing he still had the harpy meat for dinner it was probably best to keep expanding his skills and work into them as he went. Thinking to himself he made his decision on the level up choices, [i]“system I choose empty skill slot.”[/i] With that decision out of the way he could now focus on what he wanted to do next. Striking the rabbit was an impulse thought but he had to be careful, something big was moving through the forest tracking another group that seemed to be goblin-like. It was stealthy and obviously some sort of ambush predator that even the bird from up above seemed to try and hide away from. The important part was there were plenty of mushrooms around out here. A few of them seemed to be the ones he was looking for. The rabbit could wait for now, what he wanted to see was how that big creature responded to the others being aware of its presence. He could try to startle the rabbit, but he was likely going to do that anyway, he did notice the nearby tree and turtle shells he could escape too if he had to escape something. He had the screech valve but that would give away his position and he didn’t want to lose his spear or sharp rock. He had to find something on the ground, which was heavy enough, either a stone or heavy stick. Agar moved quietly and carefully, Finding an old heavy and slightly rotting stick in the duff of pine needles and duff on the ground. Carefully he picked it up and held it in his hand for a moment while still crouched. He felt its weight in his hand for a few moments longer going through his plan one more time as he eyed the figures in the distance, the big alligator, and his two escape routes. He positioned himself behind the bush with a clear view of his escape routes and target, knowing that his sudden movements will probably startle the rabbit, but it would just be another distraction… assuming it ran. Time for some action he thought to himself, eyeing a break in the tree branches where his branch would make it through. Agar in one swift motion hefted in an overarm arching throw launched the broken tree branch over his head and aimed it at the general location of the alligator ox. Ducking quickly back down to a position where he could sprint either to the tree with the branches and climb or back the way he came while also getting a good look at how everything responded if it did. [hr] [@Zeroth] [hider=stats and things] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum) [u]Tribe Tasks:[/u] find turtle shell mushroom x5 [u]Inventory:[/u] loincloth, sharp rock, Wooden Spear, Hide pouch, sharp Tatzelwurm claw, Tatzel Venom Gland x1, Harpy Screech Valve x1, Harpy Talon x1, cooked/partially cooked Harpy Meat, 7 lbs, Powdered Weak Tatzel Venom x1 [u]Skills:[/u] Ingestion, Field Scan II, Blunt Resistance I, Muffle I, [u]Location:[/u] heading back out into the forest > strange creatures and dark forests [u]Inventory used (for current post):[/u] [/hider]