[hider=A Complete Anomaly][center][img]https://ik.imagekit.io/storybird/images/a5b1f257-605c-4f6e-a24c-64433e72236b/15_664011780.png[/img] [i]"A place to belong... Is that really so much to ask?[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Tempus [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Completion Status:[/b] Somebody, at least to his knowledge [b]Role in the Rebellion:[/b] Scout/Spy [b]Anomaly Or Not?:[/b] Anomaly [b]Homeworld:[/b] No recollection [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1a/75/23/1a7523c25fc15885b28d5aeb90e0b46d.jpg]Chronostasis[/url] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Essentially a Time Mage. He specializes in the Stop, Haste, and Slow spells - while occasionally using spells like Comet and Gravity as a source of damage. While he is capable of the higher-tiered forms of these spells, the trade off is that he can't use any other types of spells. No healing, no elementals, etc. He tries to make up for this shortcoming by utilizing well-timed strikes and flourishes in conjunction with his Time spells. [b]Known Spells:[/b] Haste, Slow, Stop, Gravity, Zero-Gravity [i]These function exactly as they do in the games.[/i] Comet - Calls down a short rain of small meteorites that strike a single target with light/medium non-elemental damage. It's upgraded form is Meteor, which calls down a single large meteorite capable of striking multiple targets within it's area of effect for heavy non-elemental damage. [b]Backstory:[/b] Tempus is a bit of an oddity, even for an anomaly. He has no recollection of the homeworld he was actually born on. Much of his early life was spent instead in Traverse Town, a world largely made up of castaways from other worlds - Tempus included. Beyond that he has spent a great of deal time hopping between worlds wherever he's needed as part of the rebellion. The impetus for his joining the rebellion came in the form of his Keyblade, that came to him for reasons he doesn't fully understand. This of course has resulted him being decently high up on the Organization's "to do" list as it were. Deep down he is also trying to search for his forgotten homeworld in the hopes of eventually filling in the blanks of his past. [b]Other:[/b] Having no recollection of his actual birthplace, Traverse Town serves as the de facto "homeworld" for Tempus. But his lack of any real, tangible connection to any world he goes to seems to be the reason why he remains unaffected by the resets and time loops perpetrated by the Organization of Light. While he hasn't quite figured [i]why[/i] his Keyblade came to him, his current theory is that it was a response to his desire to find his true homeworld.[/center][/hider]