[color=ed1c24][center][h2]Akeno[/h2][/center][/color] Following her instinct turned out to be a mistake. Instead of stumbling across some unforeseen opportunity to use her somewhat limited and niche skills of teaching karate to beginners to make a place for herself in the tribe, Akeno found herself being mocked by a clichéd trio of bullying Orcs who were harassing a farmer. It was a situation that Akeno doubted she’d be able to just turn around and walk away from now that she’d been noticed and pointed out in the way she had, especially when the one doing the pointing was an Orc she vaguely remembered as being someone who regularly picked on the younger Orcs in the camp. Maybe she would try anyway, walking away that was; she wasn’t much in the mood to stand there and be heckled and she didn’t really want to start a fight to defend herself either. Not when it was three against one and she wasn’t sure she could beat this guy even if it was just one on one. [color=ed1c24]“Tsk.”[/color] Making a sound of annoyance Akeno turned on her heel and walked away from the idjit’s, all four of them, hoping against hope that they would find it more interesting to go back to making fun of farmer than to keep their attention on her. And since that hope was likely to go unanswered, she kept an ear open for the sounds of footsteps and made sure she was ready to either run or lash out as the situation demanded. [@Zeroth]