[color=lightblue]"I haven't forgotten what a person looks like, broadly speaking, I just tend to forget things are cleaner here. Never was much of a city person, out in the country was far preferrable."[/color] Adjusting the clasp on his cloak, he made sure everything on hand was in good shape to head out and see the sights. Of course, he had no intention of changing or leaving any of his gear behind. Never knew when things would become problematic, and when you would need your gear. Even if death lacked penalty, he was not in the mood to be testing that unless he had to. He died plenty enough in the first dream for his liking. Besides, despite being 'just people', effectively every problem he ever had, does, or will deal with was because of people, so that didn't exactly instill confidence, though he wouldn't show that of course. [color=lightblue]"I'll stay here until we are ready to depart for the city. The maps might be worth less than I would have liked, but I am sure I can find something of value while waiting."[/color] Rolan turned back towards the scattered maps on the table, tidying up a bit before starting to dig through more practical books. If the east was anything, broadly speaking, like it was in the waking world than he could look into what would be useful for survival and living off the land in said climate. He didn't assume the luxury of always operating out of Candaeln, especially if they, as a group, were going to be marching 'off the map', as it were, so being able to forage and identify anything of value survival wise would be useful. Living out in the woods as a single person wasn't the trickiest, providing for a warband would be....harder. Better to be prepared early, and supplement anything they took with them with forage on the march.