[quote=@Wayward] So I've got a running idea for a character that's aligned with the Org. She was previously a knight that served as a castle guard in Radiant Garden, but turned to a nobody during the events that preceded KHI with that world succumbing to the Heartless. She was spared the effects of the reset during to being caught in the Realm of Darkness at the time. May nix the nobody part though. [/quote] Sounds good! [quote=@Eviledd1984] [@Dragonfly 9] [hider=Too Angry To Die.] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c4/65/cd/c465cde4ea02b9f348f64a80fa8a8e5c.jpg[/img] Name: Taivas Age: 29 Gender: Male Species: Human Completion Status: Somebody Role in the Rebellion: None Anomaly Or Not?: Anomaly kinda. Homeworld: Destiny Island Weapon(s): [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcalibur/images/c/cf/SC6-11-06.png/revision/latest?cb=20230401030023]Heart Of Darkness[/url] Powers/Abilities: Taivas can harness the darkness inside of his heart. Being able to control lower-ranking heartless. Taivas also can create portals made out of darkness to travel between worlds. He used the darkness in his heart to power him up, increasing his strength, durability, and speed. He has also harnessed the darkness to allow him to teleport a short distance inside of the world. Backstory: Taivas was born on Destiny Island or so he assumes. He remembers his past and his best friend named Hav. However, with each time loop he feels compelled to find his friend. Unknown to him his friend Hav is an anomaly who is trying to defeat the Org Of Light and break the time loop. Always being close to being reunited with his friend before the timeloop happens. Remembering the name of his friend and where he could find her. During the many timeloops he had used the darkness inside of his heart to help in his quest to find his friend. Trying to remember each timeloop and to help the resistance against the Org Of Light. Other: [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51iTLSu5sZE&ab_channel=YokoShimomura-Topic]His theme song[/url] [/hider] Let me know if I need to edit anything. [/quote] Really like it, man! Accepted!!