[center][h1]Bianca Manalo[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/H0PZlqQ.png[/img][/center] [right]Interactions: Eve [@LanaStorm] [code]Veni Vedi Veni Parking Lot[/code][/right][hr] Oh for fucks sake. Maybe taking that picture had been a dumb idea, but it did help make her point and prove the actual seriousness of it. She just hadn't expected anyone to be watching. Or, honestly, have not seen through her flimsy disguise of sunglasses yet. Well, she guessed she couldn't really hide anymore. "You've sure changed a lot, Eve," Bianca grinned. She slowly raised one hand to her shades, pushing them up so they rested on the top of her head. Whether Everleigh recognised her was really down to her memory, but she should. Bianca had been a relatively prominent, if reckless, member of the coven back in the day - often attached to Linqian, but well known by her own right outside of that relationship. Her other hand remained in her pocket, fingers curled around the combat knife in her pocket. If Eve attacked her, Bianca would aim to suppress her without any harm. "It's Bianca, remember? Well, most people called me Bea... Still do, anyway, if I can recognise you surely you can recognise me. Ask Brit or Sully if you don't cause they will." She sighed. "I was just enjoying a day off when Alizée decided to try kill multiple people. There ain't much I can do about that, but I wanted to make sure she didn't go too far. Y'know, one former coven member stopping another from landing in jail?" Though she'd been the one to call the authorities, but that was beside the point. Alizée had gone too far for this to be considered something that could be settled within the coven. Her job would be the easiest explanation, but not the right one. The whole secret part of the job was prettyyyy important. "And I really wouldn't do that," Bianca looked down at the knuckle dusters. Annoying, but not something she couldn't handle. "It won't end well for you, and there's bigger problems to worry about than me." She glanced past Everleigh. At least Stormy seemed to have Alizée under control... But the infighting didn't help with the Wolf Pack turning up. She really hoped her text had gotten through, because she didn't want anyone else to get hurt - whether it was at Alizée's hands or the wolf pack.