[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zVLsAqz.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231206/0f6847ce5955ebb191ba3f7d6c856441.png[/img][/center] The Spider Monkey brought all the Spider people out! He had heard about there being more of them. His friend Xander was one too. But where did they all come from? Did Oscorp not keep their radioactive spiders to themselves? Well it didn’t matter. They could use the help. One of the Spiders who was redirecting the fleeing civilians away from the scene spoke to him, and Danny grinned, not that you could see it under the mask.[color=pink] “No problem. I’m not one of those I work alone types. There’s a lot of scum in this city, and I could use all the help I can get! By the way… Don’t believe everything you read about me… I had my edgelord phase a while ago, and I’m still paying for it. I’m trying to be The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man again.”[/color] Another Spider tried to kick the Spider Monkey in the face, but he noticed yet another Spider shot webs in the Spider Monkey’s eyes. That wasn’t gonna be good. [color=pink]“Uh keep doing what your doing, I have to go check on another Spider.”[/color] He swung over to where that Spider person was, and clung to the building nearby. [color=pink]“Hey buddy. Shooting web in that things eyes was a good strategy, but next time, maybe you might want to wait untill after we clear the people out of here. It might stumble, and possibly squish people. We want to avoid unnecessary collateral. They already write enough bad things about us as it is, eh?”[/color] [@GubGar][@Duthguy]