[center][h1][color=mediumpurple]Nia[/color] [color=slategray]Milaine[/color][/h1][/center] Nia came to dazed and disorientated. The musty smell of carpet fiber filled her nostrils and drawing in a breath elicited an involuntary groan. Her head spun as she shuffled onto her back and her eyes rolled as she tried to focus on the ceiling wheeling nauseatingly above. Groggily, her exhausted mind tried to untangle the past few minutes. After separating from Chres, she had begun making her way back towards the guest quarters. She had just passed into one of the larger hallways when someone had slipped around a door frame and punched her right in the gut. Hard. That explained the most pressing pain at least. She had doubled over at the punch and someone had in turn smashed her over the back of the head. Past that it was indistinct words, blurry half formed images and a ringing pain that seemed to fill every inch of her skull. Upon trying to rise she found her hands and legs bound together with cord tied so tightly that it bit into her wrists and ankles. [color=slategray]“What am I going to do with you?”[/color] came an all too familiar voice from somewhere further in the room. The tone was indistinct but Nia felt the words sure as a knife sliding between her ribs. [color=mediumpurple]”Aunt Lainey?”[/color] she stammered, her mouth felt fuzzy and she tasted blood on her lips. A blow to the face? When had that happened? Nia felt herself pulled by her bound wrists, dragged over her own feet and into an awkward kneeling position. A hand grabbed her by the chin and forced her gaze up until she was face to face with Milaine. [color=slategray]”What were you thinking?”[/color] she hissed, fingers beginning to dig into the bruised flesh of Nia’s face. [color=slategray]”Helping a Normie? Killing our own people?”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]”No, I didn’t I-”[/color] her frantic response was cut off by a savage slap that sent her sprawling awkwardly once more. [color=slategray]”Do not speak to me girl”[/color] and in those words, Nia felt a hint of her aunt’s power, a cold, numbing feeling that made her mouth lock shut. [color=slategray]”Do you have any idea what I have sacrificed for this? I have given you everything you could want and yet you spit in my face!”[/color] Nia had barely enough time to brace against the kick that followed her aunt's words. She spluttered in pain, unable to utter any words. When she had recovered she found her aunt still standing above her, venom in her eyes. [color=slategray]”I don’t understand why you insist on punishing me. Is it not enough that I raised you? That I cover for your every inadequacy and mistake at the expense of my own standing. Do you have any idea what you could cost me?”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]“I’m sorry[/color]” Nia managed, her words slurred by the command restricting her voice. [color=slategray]“You’re sorry?”[/color] came the pointed reply before it was reiterated sharper still [color=slategray]”You’re sorry?! Sorry won’t undo the trouble you’ve caused me. Sorry won’t fix your mistakes!”[/color] Her aunt fell silent and in the pause Nia struggled to rise, to see her face. When their eyes met at last, Milaine’s expression was cold and impassive. [color=slategray]”It seems I’ve been too soft on you.[/color] she said at last [color=slategray]”If you won’t change your selfish behavior then I need to take more drastic measure”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]“No…”[/color] Nia gasped as she felt a creeping panic rise within her. [color=slategray]”It’s for your own good, I’m doing this for you Neeve”[/color] she gestured and figures appeared at the corner of her vision, dragging her to her feet. [color=slategray]”Take her to the basement, give her Xyrlos until I’m ready to collect her.”[/color] “Yes my lady” came a gruff reply from somewhere to her right and Nia felt herself being carried from the room. [color=slategray]“Oh and Nia”[/color] the movement paused and the following words were as chilling and numbing as winter ice. [color=slategray]”You will do as I say”[/color]