[color=#B22222][h1][center]Kings Landing[/center][/h1][/color][hr] [center][img]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/b/b0/Aegon%27s_hill.jpg[/img][/center] [right][sub]Collab with [@Espada Emi] & [@Almalthia][/sub][/right] [hr][hr] The Flame had covered her distinctive hair with a deep brown shawl securely tucked in and tied down so that it didn’t fall and she didn’t have to clutch it to keep it on. The dust brown homespun dress was unassuming and the only thing that would set her apart would be the fact that she was clean. A left over from being a former slave she had the compulsion to be clean. Carrying food and some clothes that looked like they were made for children The Flame rounded a corner and ducked into an alley. The noise from the Sept was like a dull roar in the alley. One could almost ignore it. Maegor fought seven of the Faith today. She supposed that it was a momentous occasion. Truly she didn’t care unless Maegor purged Kings Landing of her ilk then she would worry. Men that didn’t realize that services she provided and the wheels she turned would stop once she was gone were stupid and didn’t deserve loyalty. The Faith liked to think that men’s base nature could be wiped clean. History proved that wrong. This alley proved that wrong. [color=#FF1493]“Finch? Wren?”[/color] The Flame called out. They were two of the older children that lived down here and ran the streets. When she had learned that they were here and not living with their parents; either because the parents couldn’t provide or didn’t want them, she had started coming down here to give them what she could. She was normally here every other day and sometimes daily multiple times. There was movement in the shadows and two slight almost tiny figures materialized; defiant and eyes darting.[color=#F4A460] “Shouldn’t be here, miss. Things goin’ on not good.”[/color] Finch and Wren were twins that ran the group of urchins, or they were outspoken enough that they got the point across easily. They'd been meeting with The Flame for at least a year now. Prior to them a bold boy had been her contact. She handed over the basket easily and one of the two scuttled away quickly and for the most part silently. From a corner of the alley, another girl trailed after the twin with the basket, waiting for an opportune moment to sneak a peek at its contents. She was wiry and covered by a roughspun and ragged traveling cloak and had a hunted look about her. [color=#037A03]“Hey, what’d the posh lady bring?”[/color] [color=#F4A460]“What she normally brings unless we ask for different things. Bread, dried fruit, dried meat, some clothes and shoes for the babies.”[/color] Wren dug around in the basket.[color=#F4A460] “What, you want something fancy?”[/color] The girl shrugged, tugging absentmindedly on a length of cord wrapped around one arm and glancing at her feet.[color=#037A03] “Nah, beats rats n’ pigeons is all.”[/color] She scampered back toward The Flame, eyeing her up and down.[color=#037A03] “I see you comin’ here all the time, Lady. S’not just out of the goodness of your heart, is it? You got an angle?”[/color] The new child raised The Flame's eyebrows. [color=#FF1493]“And what might that be? I can't care that children are fed and clothed? Some of if not most of these children are here because I turned a man away from my establishment. Why shouldn't I help?”[/color] Leaning back The Flame looked over at the newcomer as she waited. The new girl tilted her head at the Flame.[color=#037A03] “Could be, but it’d be a first for this city if that’s the [b]only[/b] reason. Been watching you. You’re always clean, like the grime can’t touch ya.”[/color] She displayed her own ragged cloak and matted brown hair, the bruises on her cheek and knuckles.[color=#037A03] “You dress rough when you’re here, but you smell like scented lye-soap and for some reason you always cover your hair. You always come in person, so it can’t just be that you wanna hide your kindly acts from someone or not risk mugging in a bad part of town, you could prolly send someone. ‘sides, it’s always Wren n’ Finch come pick up the baskets. Never any of the other kids. N’ always just one brings it back and the other stays.”[/color] She glanced meaningfully over at Finch as she said it.[color=#037A03] “So, I think you do got an angle. I want in.”[/color] A nod from The Flame at the words of the urchin.[color=#FF1493] “So you're observant. To run with this crowd you’d have to be. I’m clean because I don’t like to be dirty and I have the option of washing daily.”[/color] She ticked off her reasons on her fingers.[color=#FF1493] “I cover my hair because it’s recognizable. I come in person because I don’t trust others easily and shockingly,”[/color] The last part she stressed being overly sarcastic.[color=#FF1493] “The little birds Finch, Wren, Magpie, Sparrow, Lark, Robin; you get the point. Well they’re all ignored and are everywhere. They tell me things that I like to know. Even if they didn’t I’d still make sure that they were fed and clothed. Only decent thing to do.”[/color] As The Flame finally admitted what the young girl suspected, a wide grin broke across her face.[color=#037A03] “I knew it! So, can I watch for you, Lady? I’m observant like you said, I can even read lips and I guarantee I’m lighter on my feet than any two of your other birds put together. I even caught a nesting treecat kit once, before I came to the Landing.”[/color] The girl’s eyes, formerly wary and anxious, glittered with enthusiasm. The Flame smiled at the younglings' excitement.[color=#FF1493] “I’d never turn down another bird. Now let’s see…what to call you?”[/color] She tapped her lip thoughtfully. The girl’s expression turned serious once again and she clenched her fists until they went white underneath her bruised knuckles.[color=#037A03] “Shrike. Call me Shrike. If I have to be a songbird, it’s best I’m one that doesn’t mind thorns or blood. Especially in this city.”[/color] Her eyes still gleamed, but there was a hardness there, a coldness. She tugged tight the length of cord around her arm again, her weight shifting from one foot to another, restless. The Flame noted the suppressed temper and the sharpness of the youngling.[color=#FF1493] “Shrike it is.”[/color] Turning to Finch she ruffled the little one’s head.[color=#FF1493] “I’m glad you came along Shrike. The twins are still a little young to be running things. You however… maybe on the scrawny side but you’re older. Not planning on taking the easy way out on your back are ya? Can’t have that.”[/color] The girl pressed her legs together slightly even while standing and made a face like she’d just tasted something sour.[color=#037A03] “Y’mean whorin’? I won’t. Not yet, ain’t starvin’ yet. Would rather stay in the gutter n’ catch rats n’ pigeons for a pot o’ brown.”[/color] Her guttersnipe accent seemed to come and go slightly, and were her boots a little too new under that mud and scuffing?[color=#037A03] “But this, I can do Lady! I can do it better too! I know ways of seeing and moving, and I’m damn good with a knife and a sling.”[/color] She flicked the cord unwrapped from her arm to reveal the improvised weapon.[color=#037A03] “I can teach the other kids, keep ‘em safe, maybe more!”[/color] [color=#FF1493]“I do mean whorin’ as you put it. I can understand not wanting to be in that situation. I’d rather be a hardworking servant than what I am. No use crying over it when its already done.”[/color] She smirked when Shrike called her Lady. [color=#F4A460]“Not Lady Shrike.”[/color] Finch chimed in. [color=#F4A460]“We call her Sissy, or Miss.”[/color] [color=#FF1493]“That way you can’t accidently give my real name and I can’t give yours.”[/color] The Flame nodded at Finch. [color=#FF1493]“And it all sounds natural. No one questions it. Been this way for going on five years. Right Finch?”[/color] Finch nodded and reached out to touch Sissy’s cheek with affection. Sissy smiled lovingly at the little urchin. [color=#FF1493]“Well Shrike sounds like we have an understanding. If you need anything leave a note for me at the Sheath and Dagger. Finch go with Wren.”[/color] Finch scampered off and The Flame watched as they giggled over a piece of bread that looked like animals. She had a girl in the kitchen that made the bread into animal shapes for the little ones. Turning to Shrike and staring silently she waited for the silence to intimidate. Looking over the urchin there were little things that didn’t add up. The little snipe was going in and out of the accent. Barely but it was there. She stared not moving and silently waiting in anticipation. ‘Shrike’ stared back at the woman, unmoving, her chin stuck out defiantly and her fists balled up and white-knuckled again.[color=#037A03] “You just admitted to being a spymaster, Miss.”[/color] All trace of the accent was gone, a bit of icy refinement even slipping in to take its place[color=#037A03] “I’m not telling you more until I know [b]my[/b] secrets won’t get whispered to the wrong ears by some little bird later. I’m not living with urchins in a Flea Bottom back alley for the fun of it, I’ve got reasons to be here and reasons for hiding.”[/color] [color=#FF1493]“And who would believe you that I was a spy? And if they did then every child in Kings Landing would be marched into the sea. Then whose fault would that be, humm? Your secrets and reasons are yours till you wish to share them. Or run from them.”[/color] The Flame shrugged then pointedly looked back at Shrike.[color=#FF1493] “The point is that silence can get you the upper hand. Lesson one. Lesson two. Work on your disguise.”[/color] Pushing off the wall The Flame looked out of the alley into the sunshine of late morning early afternoon. She looked back at Shrike.[color=#FF1493] “Never and I mean never compromise what is hidden deep in you Shrike. Keep that forever yours and you will always be you.”[/color] Shrike nodded, absorbing the lecture.[color=#037A03] “Like I said, I can run things for you. Even better than Finch and Wren. I’ll help with your secrets. There’s a lot I can learn from you Miss, I think.”[/color] [i]And[/i], Shrike once called Mina Tyrell thought to herself, [i]I can learn if you’re a threat to my family and kill you, Miss Spymaster.[/i]