[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tNyRDKd.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231129/e400887a5a0fd7c035450fb62e806ab1.png[/img][/center] Before anyone could answer, someone landed on top of him, knocking Cameron’s face into the ground. The young Pop Star was not at all concerned by it though. The girl apologized, and got off of him quickly. [color=pink]“Don’t worry about it! It’s nice to have new friends drop in! Hehe”[/color] He giggled. Then the girl with Pink hair had rather… unkind things to say. Cameron tilted his head. [color=pink]“Stage Persona? Whatever do you mean?”[/color] The blonde girl offered her hand to help him up, and Cameron accepted. Once he was on two feet again, Cameron’s eyes lit up. [color=pink]“I think someone is just grumpy, and needs a hug!”[/color] And then he attempted to give her one. The one named Isaac said he liked his enthusiasm, and he’d be the first to die… Cameron just blinked. He didn’t know what that was about… [color=pink]“Uh… thanks I think?”[/color] Really, everyone in the group seemed grumpy. He figured that was probably the reason he was here. To brighten everybody’s day. [color=pink]“Go back? But… we just got here… Guys, I know the angels weren’t nice to us, but… they need our help. And I for one don’t think it’s right to just leave them hanging. Oh, my name is Cameron. Cameron Mason. But you all probably knew that already.”[/color] He winked. [color=pink]“You can also call me Cam, or Cammy if you want.”[/color]