[@AzureKnight] [h1][center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/WyBxO/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo2NSwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjNTNFQjFEIiwiYmdjIjoiIzNGM0UzRSIsInQiOjF9/VXNrZWNoZQ/bananas-italic-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center][/h1] Uskeche had arrived back with the other members of the Reavers. The quest itself was very mundane and uneventful. The wizard was breathing heavily feeling tired from walking back to the Reaver’s HQ. “[color=39b54a]That was quite a boring task, perhaps we will be given a more exciting job.”[/color] Uskeche slowly walked behind Ruecian and Xashan. They had done most of the work although he felt he had helped somewhat. The amnesiac wizard was glad to be back at Eon Tower. He did in fact hope that he would participate in something more exciting. And hopefully, something that would lead to his true identity. Uskeche went back to his room to retire for the night, although he could not sleep for long as his mind was racing. As the morning came Uskeche got dressed and made sure to bring his staff with him. Ignoring Eddi while he was walking to the conference room. He was notified there was an inspection, and that he was needed in the conference room. Sitting down in one of the uncomfortable chairs. He shuffled his body so he was more comfortable for what was going to be a long day. Uskeche didn’t recognize any of the inspectors. But he felt weary of them a reason he surmised was because he disliked authority figures. Watching them and the other members interacting with each other. Noting to himself what their weakness could be. He never knew if he would fight them one day. “Man, these guys look like they got a big stick up their butt. Although some of them I wouldn’t mind haunting.” Eddi said floating over the inspectors. The sickly-looking wizard watched as everyone introduced themselves, when it finally came his turn he coughed loudly. “[color=39b54a]My name is Ushkeche, I am new to the Reavers. It is a pleasure to meet you all.[/color]” He said he felt embarrassed he did not properly introduce himself when he first arrived. Shuffling in his chair he felt uncomfortable when he spoke to crowds. "[color=39b54a]I really hope I don’t have to do that again.[/color]” Addressing Eddi who was floating above Grisha’s head. He was sure he was going to get some looks thanks to his appearance. “I wouldn’t think so boss, Your not exactly a good public speaker.” Eddie let out a wheezy laugh and in response, Ushkeche glared at him. It was quite frightening to anyone who saw it.