[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/xGNNwSx/Tomi2.png[/img][/center] As she soared through the skies, Tomi couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss—different, to be precise. The revelation of what exactly would come later, but in the present, her priority was hastening back to avoid another reprimand from their group's leader. Again. Unaware of the duration of her slumber, she needed to confirm her allies were still where she last left them. Fortune favored her as she soon sensed friendly presences in the Temple, though they felt unfamiliar. Despite the gold dragon's typically carefree nature, she circled the temple a couple of times before choosing to land. Once decided, Tomi wasted no time. The dragon descended with a resounding thud near the pagoda, creating a visible crater and cracked earth where she touchdown. Her wings vanished magically as she walked forward, displaying a lack of concern. Now, while a most common reaction to a stranger, yokai or otherwise, heading directly towards oneself might typically be a defensive response, everything about Tomi indicated she posed no threat. Firstly, a Dragon yokai with ill intentions would have attacked without bothering to land. Secondly, she bore no weapons or armor. In fact, her nearly transparent veil did little to conceal her most alluring human traits. And thirdly and most obvious of all - her expression screamed nonchalance as she leisurely walked to them. Taller by a head than most humans, her golden hair cascaded down to her midback. As she approached, her tail positioned itself between the white-haired man and anyone else in conversation with him, effectively halting their discussion. Tomi, with pure golden eyes, scrutinized the man from head to toe. Her pale-skinned hand delicately grasped one of his locks of hair, as if to examine it. Stepping back, her expression shifted from serious to one of disappointment, perhaps even curiosity. [color=fff200]"You are not Shizuka, but you bear the same scent? Who are you? Actually... where are we? I do not recognize this temple. Well—I do, but also... not? It feels different. Are you the task force?"[/color]