[quote=@TruthHurts22] I was thinking of it less as time [i]manipulation[/i] and more... "See this gun? Now it's a [i]future[/i] gun." and similar [/quote] If it's actually effectively grabbing "blueprints" of something truly from the future to transform the present with, then the Stand must inherently be doing something to perceive and... at least "skim" off of time/fate to do this. That just seems like a logical conclusion. But really, it sounds more like what you want to do is effectively just have a power that transforms targets into an "enhanced" state, that is [i]better, faster, makes us stronger[/i] [s][i]distant dubstep noises[/i][/s], etc. It doesn't need to be a power that makes things specifically "from the future" then as much as an ability that simply makes things "futuristic" with some generalized guidelines on what it can enhance and how. This would be based more on the "idea" or a caricature of the future, rather than the reality, with no need for time or fate to be involved whatsoever. If executed in that manner, I don't think I'd find any problems with it as a concept (fine details pending, of course).