[center][h3]~ Eon Tower ~[/h3][/center] Another morning, another day wasted in the library poring through books that lead to nowhere. Einer was beginning to doubt that what he sought was not in this Eon Tower, or perhaps in the entirety of the Magus Association. Already, the bard was drafting a resignation letter in his head. But no, Einer decided it was too early for that. He would give this place one week to give him a lead. Or at least... [i]something[/i] that could point him in the right direction. If not, well, he was not particularly close to any of his fellow Reavers so him leaving would surely not cause any commotion. Einer got up from his bed and remembered that this Tower was due an inspection from the church. And it wasn't just any Church folk from Flugell, the inspectors included a woman named Tethys Aria Zaerado which surprised Einer. This Tower was more than meets the eye if she was coming here personally to see what was up. Einer joined the rest of the Reavers in meeting with the Church inspectors. The bard had no intention of making himself stand out so he tried his best to stand behind the others. No reason to grab their attentions, not yet at least. [quote=Grisha Pensworth][color=f9ad81]”That aside, why do we start having the Tower’s new recruits introduce themselves.”[/color][/quote] Well, introductions shouldn't be too bad. To help him be more conspicuous, Einer allowed the other Reavers go first. First was [u]Asterope[/u], whom Einer briefly wondered where she went, then [u]Renee[/u] and [u]Lanus[/u] then [u]Shavis[/u] then this new guy whom Einer haven't met yet then [u]Leon[/u], who seem to be already starting something with Tethys. "[color=springgreen]Before anyone assists anyone, let me introduce myself first as Einer Devaron. If that is a familiar name to you, then that is because I am from Flugell just as you three are.[/color]" Einer bowed at the inspectors with his lyre on hand. "[color=springgreen]If, ever, you meet with my family back in Flugell, err, may I request that you keep my presence here secret? I do not wish for them to worry about me.[/color]" Einer then looked at Alexandra Vander. He didn't know her personally, but the swordsmanship of House Vander was renowned in Flugell. The house was respected by the Devarons, amongst others, and felt he had to acknowledge it. "[color=springgreen]Now, while the presence of the Lady Zaerado was a pleasant surprise, may I also acknowledge that a member of the famed House Vander has also blessed us with her presence today?[/color]" The musician internally cringed at his words. That wasn't exactly being conspicuous.