[indent][indent][indent][center][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [img]https://images-ng.pixai.art/images/thumb/a7e4360a-003d-4aa6-f9e8-cdf453c71d00[/img][/center] [color=silver][b]N A M E[/b][/color] Uchiha Shana [color=silver][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] Shana upholds a calm yet assertive behavior which often would tick people based on her choice of words. To her, such inconvenience matters not, people must hear the facts no matter how much it stings, believing that embracing hard facts earlier on would fasten progress. She's competitive to a fault & petty against even the simplest competition, feeling that might controls everything & that without strength, she won't be able to protect what's dear, let alone herself. Though, Shana has a kind and loyal side, she will honor those who she's indebted to. [color=silver][b]B A C K S T O R Y[/b][/color] Shana stands subjected to the Uchiha's cause, at least whatever can be salvaged from its former glory. As one whose light shines upon the buried light, Shana wrestles between her burning desire of reclaiming the honored name of the Uchiha through becoming Hokage as an act of justice served silent vengeance while remaining in control to not lose sight of herself in the pathos she's chosen. Whatever the strained relationship that became the undoing between the Uchiha & Konoha, it's evident that Shana felt alone as the solitude is the only way to ascertain the flame that should fan destiny, chasing time. Whatever preconception in notion, Shana set herself ablaze among others & focus on her singular goal each day. In the academy, she was an honor student & class representative, befitting of her envisioned future as Hokage & although cold, Shana draws people with her commanding presence, valuing her classmates welfare though whether or not it's a means to an end, she prefer less dead weights to affect her business. Everything in her day to day is a struggle to overcome, even advances that may seem romantic, Shana knew well that as a the young heiress of the Uchiha, many would like to exploit her Clan's resources. She remains vigilant & expressive even with her peers. [I]I will become Hokage & my definition of Hokage is someone who fan their own flame.[/I] [b]C H A K R A[/b] Fire & Lightning [b]A B I L I T I E S[/b] [I]Uchiha Common Fire Jutsu[/I] — From Fireball to Phoenix Flower & Dragon Flame, befitting of the Uchiha's heiress. [i]Marksmanship[/i] — Shana can change the trajectory of her projectiles, in this case, she prefer Summoned Swords instead of the standard Shuriken & kunai. [i]Kenjutsu[/i] — Shana wields the standard Uchiha Blade, a katana that she often lit with lightning. [i]Chakra Potency[/i] — Shana has potent chakra, allowing her to deliver offensive strikes with lesser chakra drain. [color=silver][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/color] — Summoned Sword Scrolls x 9 Each scroll has 9 sealed swords, either she launches them or use them as reserves. [/indent][/indent][/indent]