[center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center][hr][@Breakthrough Crew!] Now that she was fired up, Liliana had no intention of losing to this jerk. The fairy would swing and swing, until her sword suddenly clashed against steel, the champion kicking her away with a surprising degree of coordination. Was he hearing her movements somehow...? Or feeling the change in air pressure? Liliana wasn't sure if that whole "hearing kind of warrior" speech was just him hyping himself up, but either way, Liliana had some tricks of her own. Coming to a stand-still mid-air, Liliana would remember what she learned from the training session with Shizuka and run her hand along Whimsy, two fingers coming to rest atop the blade's edge as she channeled her magic through it. Just because he could block hits while blind didn't mean he could counter effectively. Especially not with Liliana barely making any noise amidst the tide of chaos that the barracks had become. Now, it was time to end this in a single strike. [color=f49ac2][i]"Gaia Hazard..."[/i][/color] Liliana thought to herself before shrinking down to her regular size, now far quieter as Whimsy surged with power. The very same technique they'd all practiced a few days ago, the mastered art of swordsmanship that Liliana had clumsily adapted to her own techniques: [color=f49ac2][b]"Heavenly Strike!"[/b][/color] Liliana called out, aiming straight at the Varjan's torso less than an inch away from him, a tremendous burst of Whimsy's power concentrating on a point the size of a needle, before Liliana grew to full size just upon release. [hr] [center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center][hr] Somewhere past the wilds, Eula and Sorae had come upon sets of footprints leading them directly to their desires quarry. Gloating over it like a hunter before a large buck, now was likely an optimal time to spring an ambush on them. Eula would assess rather quickly that the firethrower had to be taken down quickly, lest indirect fire roast their would-be-rescuee. Then, Sorae posed the question of whether Eula wanted the warrior to go this fight solo. Eula didn't consider that for even a moment as she adjusted her left hand, turning on her stun gun. [color=C48BD3][b]"I have no problem fighting. I am simply incapable of causing direct bodily harm or loss of life to humans. Incapacitation however..."[/b][/color] Eula would take aim at the Firethrower, prepared to stun him immediately to start the engagement. [color=C48BD3][b]"Preparing to incapacitate Varjan caster, Sorae,"[/b][/color] she said in a quiet voice, prepared to synchronize their assault.