[quote=@Zombiedude101] Seeing as my time is a little freed up now, here's an NPC that may bear relevance to add to GN's cast of clowns. [hider=Conrad the Floating Dutchman][row][cell][h2][b]Conrad[color=2e2c2c].[/color]van der Vegte[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][cell][center][img]https://artbreeder.b-cdn.net/imgs/8dc6fca5f08019bd7428319602bf.jpeg[/img] [b]42 | Conrad van der Vegte | He/Him [/b][/center][/cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Conrad represents the incorporation of more... [i]idealogical[/i] figures into the Wolfpack's sphere of influence. While Judas' power projection and leadership have mostly kept a lid on his ambitions and open to business, it's an open secret that Conrad had (and for all they know, still has) ties to key figures within Das Sonnengrad and was involved in luring some of the cult's more fringe members and associates to act as muscle for the Wolfpack when the former fell into irrelevance. While formally deferring to Judas, Conrad (derided as the Floating Dutchman over a mishap that saw him nearly drown a few years back, although not to his face) keeps a small cadre of followers with ties to Aryan Nation & Neo-Nazi groups, and has been known to use the Wolfpack as a front for some personal business [i]under the table.[/i] Why Judas tolerates him is a mystery, although it probably involves money.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] [indent]Unknown. It definitely isn't swimming.[/indent][/hider] [/quote] Added him to the Wolfpack faction. But from here on in, and this is a notice for everyone, when you're making an NPC; do not remove any of the coding. It's the way that it is so I can easily just slide a new NPC in the existing NPC [table].