[quote=@Hound55] As I mentioned above, I'm accepting a few new "weird" characters (think down the vein of Doom Patrol or some of the more "out there" X-Men ideas). My next GM post will be intro-ing these characters, and I'll grab some excerpts off of people pertaining to their new characters for that post as well. I'll give you all until a few days after Christmas though. I'll also take a roll call and see who's still on board a bit after Christmas as well. I don't want to hammer people too hard or get into their business in the holiday stretch. And since it's 5:30pm Christmas eve here, and I'll likely be busy over the next 48 hours... a Merry Christmas to you all, and when I get started again AFTER Christmas, I'll be looking to build momentum with the rest of you once more. Hope you and your families are all well and merry. [/quote] First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Second of all, I am still intent on keeping things going as Zelda. Holiday season has just been an unexpected hell going back on forth between work and family obligations. I'm using every second of breathing room I have to cook a response for Haven. Looking forward to calmer seas where I can RP more frequently!