[hr][hr][center][hider=UNSECRET X NEONI - FALLOUT ][youtube]https://youtu.be/K6438QUVbyA?si=-WBhQXBTfyDjMGuc[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [center][h1][u]Alizée Altieri[/u][/h1][/center] [color=lightgray][i][u]Location: Veni Vedi Veni, Parking Lot[/u][/i][/color] [@Punished GN] [hr] It was agony. The strain of the darkness against the overwhelming heat and desert. The sands to choke the soul. Tears mixed with sweat, screaming gasps as the canopy slowly gave way, sand seeping in like an hour glass. The bottom filling up. She hyperventilated, taking a few last gasps before she could feel her strength almost entirely leave her- Until. A boon. Strength imbuing her hands, steeling her soul. Alizée recognized it in the haze of her fighting, adrenaline-filled mind. Bianca. It was [i]her[/i] magic. But… how? With renewed energy, she grit her teeth, the phantom hands pushing back against the immeasurable weight. Everything was muffled from under the mountain. But even Alizée heard a distinct yell. A growl, something about assholes. It sounded like the kid… but that was impossible. He was dead because of her, wasn't he…? The dizziness reached a new peak, derailing any further thoughts as the depletion of oxygen made its statement. She was going to die here, wasn't she? [i]No, please-[/i] Outside of the mountain, Void was staring at the two bikers with utter disgust. [quote=Spiky-haired woman]"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the fuck is that?!"[/quote] [color=#A299FD][b]“Your worst nightmare, bitch.”[/b][/color] He growled, shaking the sedan off his claw. His confident smirk disappeared at the approaching wall of sand. Alizée teetered between wakefulness and unconsciousness, her breaths weak, rapid and shallow. Before the sand shifted, and receded. Bianca's powers almost immediately left Alizée as she rolled on her side, the phantom hands vaporizing into thin air. She gagged on air she tried desperately to get into her lungs. Stars danced in front of the Voidly visions in her eyes. The temperature increased. The air burned as she tried to get her breath back. It hurt. Her lungs hurt. Her hands and elbows on the sweltering pavement hurt. Her head from the lack of air throbbed. Everything hurt. Then, a new hurt. Alizée hissed in pain, hand clenching the fabric of her blouse over her heart. Her tether, her chain, her link to the Void Heart was twisted and stretched, straining. That only meant one thing. She strained on the pavement, dust scraping her arms as she twisted her neck up. Her jaw dropped. The sand- it was- Void was- The screaming faces had given a way partially, revealing a mound of sand above her. She could see the spikey-haired woman crawling back, staring in horror at the mound. At Void deep within. At least, Alizée had to assume Void was stuck inside. [b]”No!”[/b] She cried out, her voice hoarse and weak. She spoke without thinking. She was in danger, severe danger. She could see the shields Stormy had put up, but knew she didn't have the strength to hide behind one. She didn't have the strength to move. Her next move was on desperate instinct. Two tiny, wispy Void hands appeared in front of the spiky-haired woman, one blindly groping for her collar. Once found, the other hand made a swing for the woman's face. The fist moved slowly, with less strength. Desperate tears streamed from Alizée's face as she tried to drag herself up off the ground, glaring hard at the woman. She was half-blind, but nothing would stop her from doing anything to make her stop. Not even the demonic faces screaming at her. [b]“D-drop him!”[/b] She was signing her death warrant again, bringing attention to herself. She gritted her teeth, keeping the fear and pain off her face. She didn't have a choice. Void struggled within the sand, phantom hands pushing back against the sand. He didn't need the oxygen, but the weight was immense, catching him off-guard. He tried to swim, but made the sand surround him more, and press in on the Voidly orb. He was, by all intents and purposes, trapped, and quite crushed.