[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hY2FjZWYuUTJ4aGJtTjVJRkJoZEhKcFkycy4x/burn-out-fade-away.regular.webp[/img] [hider=turf][youtube]https://youtu.be/pIk_gWrqnPk?si=OjTB45X2o7pAkKKe[/youtube][/hider] [code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot[/code] [hr] Clancy threw up both arms a second too second late; the blade of Victor's axe bedded half an inch into the boy's collar before his palms caught the handle with a strength that didn't match his frame and grappled with the larger man to keep it from being driven any further. [b]”[i]Stay down.[/i]”[/b] His voice was a growl, a child's pitch with an unnatural resonance, and followed with a foot being swung out at Victor's knee, breaking his footing and knocking him over. Victor hit the ground with a thud, then glanced upwards. “... You are no kid,” No fluid seeped from the wound the axe had formed, only a [i]hollow[/i] black void where the head had parted skin. Similar punctures in his shirt, barely concealed by the unbuttoned hoodie, told a similar tale. The Pagan pressed a palm into the ground to force himself to his feet, then swung the axe down - aiming to split Clancy in two. This time, the boy dove into the side of an adjacent car, just in time to see the axe head tear a foot of asphalt and gravel from the ground. [b]”Know [i]nothing,[/i]”[/b] he snorted, back pressed against the passenger door of the car [b]”Do you Nazi [i]morons[/i] know when to stop?”[/b] Victor didn’t even flinch, he raised the axe in the air again - not to bring it down on Clancy - but a bright flash of light appeared - blinding onlookers and causing the kid to crumple inwards with a silent grimace. [i]Then[/i] in the makeshift flashbang he made he rushed Clancy with another swing of his axe. There was no running, no token resistance; the axe sank deep into the boy's chest, crunching through metal and glass at the other side and pinning him to the passenger door of the car. No gasp, no final breath, the kid simply slumped forward, arms limply dangling to the floorm. Victor planted a boot against Clancy’s midsection to pry the axe free; once both blade and body were released from the car, he turned around, slung the axe over his shoulder, and prepared to rush in to help Valjean- “... The hell?!” [I]Something[/i] grabbed the man's boot, clamped around the ankle, and yanked hard enough to pull him off his feet and drag him along the asphalt, back towards the parking space. Victor screamed, but no more coherent words followed. The space fell silent in seconds, and a viscous pool of blood slowly began to trickle out from beneath the car's wheels shortly thereafter.