[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800920533151514644/1176681726261608558/image.png?ex=656fc141&is=655d4c41&hm=1a64a885d3afb66e3e65edab2d5094fff5f0ed81728713e08aaf1065805c8895&=&format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158583197341335572/1180126850966626394/543c5a72-5491-46bb-ac13-e2d2c1f8b704.png?ex=657c49c6&is=6569d4c6&hm=211c710a9363c68aabca2ae4e0c3a63bb73817f8dea24a73d2feb4d5e6a0a3bb&=&format=webp&quality=lossless[/img] Death wouldn't follow today, she followed Shayton's movements from the safety of her concealment. Moving into the light was bait to her, the shadows would be dissipatedif she approached and attacked. Shayton was no idiot but Eve was the same way, and if the two were going to be at a standstill there would be no reason for her to continue this for now. She cursed in the shadows as the horde of shadow bushes and clouds began to back off as Eve retreated from Shayton. While the words cut, she would have to give back to him double what he gave her. In more layman's terms, pain a lot of it but the anger she was harboring would have to be redirected to something useful rather than chasing Shayton. The entire pack was laying into the Sycamore Tree Coven! Eve couldn't let them be mauled, attacked or killed. There was a giant scorpion, people spitting sand just a whole lot of shit being flung around. Applying the shadow powers would be limited to greater threats, scanning around on who she could deal with as her eyes eventually laid upon Villarian. Like the snake that she was, she came out from the side as he came to swing down on the kid!? A shadow battering ram came flying right into his mid-section as he made his attack and behind it Eve flying in to follow up with her sword! Screaming all the while. [/center]