[hr][hr][center][hider=Skyfall // Slowed and Reverb // (Adele)][youtube]https://youtu.be/blxoBcxJyhA?si=jm9volibBRKHOSck[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [center][h1][u]Alizée Altieri[/u][/h1] [sub]"To be, or not to be..."[/sub][/center] [color=lightgray][i][u]Location: Veni Vedi Veni, Parking Lot[/u][/i][/color] [@Punished GN] [hr] [quote=The last voice she'd hear][i]"... You should have run when you had the chance, kid."[/i][/quote] She stared down the barrel of his glock, her breath ragged. Her teeth gritted. [b]"Go to hell, as-"[/b] Like the crack of a whip, the bullet left its chamber and found its mark. Alizée didn't feel a thing. One moment, she was up. The next, two gunshots peppered her head, and she collapsed on the ground. The dust scattered at the dull thud, marking the second victim taken by the Wolfpack. From within the sand, there was a metallic howling. Uncertainty. Pain. Disbelief as the shackles tying the Void Heart to the Shimmer cracked and disintegrated. As his chain to his other half shattered, the sky opened up. A thin line wormed its way across, before stretching open like a mouth, hungry to reclaim a lost void soul, revealing the Void beyond. Hungry to reclaim a voidling that had no tie, no reason, and no place in this world anymore. The crack in the sky drew a breath in, creating a howling wind. The sand holding Void broke apart, piece by piece, sucked into the void. Revealing Void, the orb, fighting against the storm. Revealing Void as his eyes lay upon the fallen form of a girl in a silk blouse, blood pooling at her head. Revealing voidly tears, pupils constricted in disbelief, then pure agony. A wretched, metallic cry echoed over the parking lot. [h1][color=#A299FD][b][i]"Alizée!!!"[/i][/b][/color][/h1] The wind ripped and tore at Void, beckoning him to return. But his eyes were focused on the fallen form. On his toy. No- his beloved. His faithful. Now, gone. Her fragile form shattered in an instant. His agonized eyes shakily shifted over to the gun still pointed at her head, glock still smoking. At the man who was responsible for the black deed. And, all the pain and torment Void felt in that moment condensed and focused as ethereal hands grew in a monstrous size in front of him. The fingers reached out. As Void was slowly draw towards the crack in the sky, Cyril was caught in his hands, yanked roughly from the ground, the strangled mass falling with Void into the crack, the Nothingness Beyond. [color=#A299FD][b]"Death is too good for you, you bastard."[/b][/color] Void growled, squeezing Cyril in his hands as they crossed into the Voidly threshold. The land of nightmares. As the void in the sky closed, both the Void Heart and Cyril were gone. And, as Kashmira's powers crossed the battlefield, they would heal the wounds puncturing Alizée's head, bullets dropping to the pavement beside her. But, Alizée was long gone, her eyes forever closed.