[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar[/h3][/center] [center][h3]// That's a weird dog >> The Beetles are over rated //[/h3][/center][/color] Again, he found himself delighted in exploring this unknown wilderness. It was exciting to see all of these creatures with similarities to those he had in his memories. These new creatures were not so different, larger than average beetles about the length of his arm they reminded him of those beetles that would throw each other off trees with their horns for territory. The name of the beetle escaped him but still it seemed to be similar. He watched carefully from his crouched position as the beetles slowly moved towards the colony of red creams. At least this did tell him he could possibly use these mushrooms to help tame or befriend some of these beasts. They did look like their mandible’s could pack a punch but as one of them fluttered its wings he saw an ominous glow for a moment. At least he knew now that these things could likely have some sort of flight ability and something he could only assume was magical in nature under them. Maybe they had something like that bombard beetle that spits acid. It wasn’t a pleasant thought and not one he wanted to find out either. He could see some strange berries in the middle of the clearing but felt like that would leave him too exposed even with the beetles eating at the other end of the clearing. Those strange round objects piqued his interest but he knew he was here for a reason other than just scouting. He had to acquire those turtle shell mushrooms. Now would probably be the best time for it while the beetles were distracted. Looking about the patch of area he quickly devised a plan and set it in motion. Agar didn’t want to spook the beetles and just run out into the open. Continuing to use his [b][u]Muffle I[/u][/b] skill he would crouch walk around the opening to collect one turtle shell mushroom then back track and go along the other side to get the other mushroom. Once both were collected and if the beetles were still busy with those mushrooms then he would slowly low bear crawl out to the circular objects and collect them. Making sure to keep himself alert and an escape route known incase he had to move quick from some unseen threat. [hr] [@Zeroth] [hider=Stats and Things] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum) [u]Tribe Tasks:[/u] find turtle shell mushroom x5 [u]Inventory:[/u] loincloth, sharp rock, Wooden Spear, Hide pouch, sharp Tatzelwurm claw, Tatzel Venom Gland x1, Harpy Screech Valve x1, Harpy Talon x1, cooked/partially cooked Harpy Meat, 7 lbs, Powdered Weak Tatzel Venom x1 [u]Skills:[/u] Ingestion, Field Scan II, (chose [u]increased stamina[/u] for Lvl 2), Blunt Resistance I, (Chose [u]additional empty skill slot[/u] for lvl 3), Muffle I, [u]Location:[/u] heading back out into the forest > strange creatures and dark forests [u]Inventory used (for current post):[/u] None [/hider]