[hr]ATTN: [@PaulHaynek] (Katsuhiro & Blacksmith)[hr]"[color=976f29][i]At this present moment, I am in need of backstory on The Heavenly Strike technique,[/i][/color]" Alice says, plainly, "[color=976f29][i]I’m bereft of my former memories and understanding of it, so I’m starting back at square one,[/i][/color]" she took a seat, "[color=976f29][i]The reconnaissance phase.[/i][/color]"[hr]Carroll nodded in understanding, as she took a seat to wait. "[color=808080][i]Just do what you can,[/i][/color]" she says, "[color=808080][i]In the future, you’ll be able to repeat and refine. A sword always needs sharpening, after all.[/i][/color]"