[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Cafeteria [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=E948FC]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701082630778650694/1170518195468259438/AE495F8E-440D-4FCC-B70C-692938B61E1C.jpg?ex=65595504&is=6546e004&hm=c0093a824d2332ab927d501c89ce963a9f5fe09afbb732f425b943ef4d8b569d&]Double Trouble[/url][/center] Danni's attention shifted, his She-Ra lecture dead and forgotten, as Colson stepped up on stage. Danni could practically feel the excitement in the air, or maybe that was just him trying to stay still. Excelsior made it in - he never had a doubt. They were too good, and frankly they deserved it after dominating the way they did. Of course, none of that really mattered - Danni knew they'd get in the second they all suited up. They looked too damn fine to get skipped over. Definitely helped that they crushed the opposing team- Danni meant to look up the spear guy cause he had some moves and he wanted to tango but It'd slipped his mind completely. Danni cheered along side the rest of the group, doing a spin just to get the bubbles out. Of course, Danni was just as confident that he’d get Saviour this year. He just had a feeling and since he was right about Excelsior, why wouldn't he be right about winning Saviour? his only question was who would he be sharing It with? Princess? Dee? Beanie - they could do something with a lot of flair accepting it too. He cheered with Princess was announced because hell yeah she deserved it for being the absolute best bitch of the school and he was so excited to go up with her that he nearly missed the second announcement. He was wrong. He felt his stomach drop. He was wrong. He'd already taken a half step forward but froze. He was wrong. Danni swallowed back the lump in his throat. He didn't win. Instead, it went to Beanie and… Leah. Danni got Princess and Beaniece but, Leah? He turned to make a joke about it with Dee, maybe less of a joke and more of a cutting remark about piggybacking, but he remembered that Dee wasn't there either. He was off with Spicy doing Haunted House things and other gross stuff probably. Couldn't even be bothered to be there when they announced the teams. Whatever. Still, Beanie and Princess deserved to be celebrated and Danni fixed his best smile on and cheered and hollered with enthusiasm. Danni even grabbed Maddie and spun with her in excitement. [color=E948FC]“T’ey won, t’ey won, t’ey won! Isn't t'at awesome?! We gotta t'row a party o’ somet'in’! I can make dinner and snacks and we can get drinks, maybe sneak in some [i]drinks[/i], and celebrate and She-Ra!”[/color] Danni babbled, his excitement only partially forced. [color=E948FC] “Maybe t'ey'd let us borrow a trainin’ room or somet'in’. Vicky can ‘elp us set it up ta make a t’eater room, I brin’ food, Princess, Beanie, and Leah are winners so t'ey just show up, Dee and Spicy can brin’ drinks and maybe little poppers. Oh, yeah I like the confetti poppers, so fun, especially the glittery ones so def t'at, and t'en Dee would probs brin’ t'at retro girl, who'd probs bring her girlfriend, and….”[/color] Danni frowned as he tried to count on his fingers. [color=E948FC] “T'at's a lotta people but we can get Dee ta beg Poisson-Pas if it gets denied. we can start plannin’ tomorrow, right Mads? I'd bet t'ey'd love It!”[/color] Danni beamed, adamantly ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach.