[color=0054a6]Varya Chandrar[/color] Cedar bit Varya's hand causing him to recoil in pain. He was eager to go back to grabbing him when he realized that Cedar was reacting instead of struggling on his own accord. He stepped back and addressed Cedar, realizing that using brute force would be inefficient in bringing him to heel. Varya's mustered as much formality as his strained voice could muster. [color=0054a6]"Would you please allow your sisters to take you to Jazdia? She is quite concerned about you and I am certain that she will be most relieved to see you alive and in one piece."[/color] Varya's patience was wearing thin, his desire to complete his mission far outweighing any considerations for Cedar's emotional being. Nevertheless, the goal was within reach, and Varya just had to push just a little bit further. He would walk in front of Cedar, acting as the vanguard. Varya staggered slowly and painfully as he walked, being propped up by little more than magic, willpower and prayers. He clutched his bow like a lifeline amidst a stormy sea, nervously scanning the area around him for any potential threats. He would hobble to the finish line, but he was dead set on fulfilling his mission.