[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hY2FjZWYuUTJ4aGJtTjVJRkJoZEhKcFkycy4x/burn-out-fade-away.regular.webp[/img] [hider=Ambience][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICjD3f-8SXE[/youtube][/hider] [@Punished GN][@Estylwen][@Atrophy][@FernStone][@LanaStorm] [code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot[/code] [hr] Momentarily, he felt nothing but a haze, and sensed everything peripherally. A gunshot rang out, followed by more noise, angry voices and the cries of the others, and some ephemeral song in a language he didn't understand. [i]Something[/i] washed over him like a breeze, but he felt no warmth from it. A voice raged, set apart from the rest in its raw anguish. [h2][color=#A299FD][b][i]"Alizée!!!"[/i][/b][/color][/h2] His senses reclaimed him. Clancy blinked, hunched beside a pickup truck where the engine still ran, one palm pressed against the door. When he pulled it away, he noted the deep gouges torn into the metal, like fingernails through paper, and chunks of wet, meaty viscera sloughing away from whatever or [i]whoever[/i] had sat at the other side, and then he glanced down. There were punctures and tears in his shirt and hoodie, barely concealing the pale unblemished skin beneath. There was no hiding [i]that[/i], nor the wet, crimson substance wh ich overlapped the layer of dried blood that had belonged to the [i]other[/i] Nazi on his fingertips. The French-speaking girl whom had tried to reach out to him - [i]Alizée[/i] - was [i]dead.[/i] The [i]thing[/i] that sat inside her heart was notably absent, Clancy knew - he couldn't feel its presence anymore. Had Alizée died because of [i]him?[/i] There was no easy answer, none which sat right, even with him. He shrugged it off. More important things to focus on. It wasn't [i]his[/i] fault those biker assholes were psychopathic junkies. An axe lay at his feet, ornate decor wrought into the handle and head. Surprisingly, it remained untarnished despite the scene he'd extracted it from. Its previous owner had no further use nor any ability to wield it after they'd [i]settled[/i] matters, though when he knelt to pick it up, he felt no different from before - not that he expected to. But it [i]was[/i] sturdy, and [i]sharp[/i] - the way it had cut through clothing, stone and metal in similar fashion had made that very clear. And given what he'd seen tonight, that might have been useful. The weight of it seemed inconsequential compared to everything else. He was stronger than he looked Where he stood, he was at the far side of the lot, away from the heart of the fighting now. The others were still arguing, still ready for a fight, he could hear them. There was a new arrival, someone who'd transitioned from a fiery eagle to man. He was talking with the asian girl, the one who'd offered him the business card for the fishery earlier. [h2][i]"WOLFPACK!"[/i][/h2] A voice bellowed from a building overlooking the lot. Clancy squinted at the rotund figure stood atop the rooftop, clutching a trio of meaty creatures that seemed halfway between goat and wolf. Something about them struck him with a vague, dreadful sense of deja vu, a bad memory from a time when he'd been out by the Great Lakes on his own, when he'd first left home. [i][h3]"Ooooooooooh, Judas! This bitch said she killed Joe Skinner- [b]and[/b] she just killed Victor!"[/h3][/i] [i]Wrong on both accounts,[/i] he mused, but correcting them would've been a waste of time. The mouthy she-biker had already [i]outed[/i] her boss for him, and the others - particularly the girl - had drawn their attention. [i]Judas. Poppa Wolf.[/i] Doubt set in, however. [i]Did that make him Father Wolf?[/i] That, Clancy didn't know. [i]Only one way to find out.[/i] While the others were busy, he hunched low, axe clutched in both hands, and moved along the row of parked cars where the overhead lighting didn't offer much coverage, perhaps short enough that only the observant would've noticed him moving across. He hit the edge of the lot, eyeing the motorcycle that had belonged to Joe Skinner. [i]Tempting, but no.[/i] He wasn't done here, not yet. Across the street was an alleyway, filtering between a pair of building that neighboured the rooftop where Judas and his [i]pets[/i] were waiting. Then, after a moment's thought, he darted across the street.