Completely unaware of Chwegwn's moment of contemplation in regards to Adrian's own actions, Adrian proceeded to take a seat, oblivious to the rooms occupants as his mind wandered into fanciful fantasies. Luckily Adrian's chosen life of a runaway had yet to deprive him of his sense of etiquette and his body automatically directed itself towards the seat to Kira's immediate left. One of Chwegwn's bodies shortly hopped atop his lap, startling him from the moment in time for him to take stock of the room and get ahold of his senses in time to order. "Ah, just water and the finest meat you can acquire, preferably made fresh and dressed in a multitude of steamed vegetables. I care not for the specifics, surprise me. Just make sure it is rare as well, I like my meat a to bleed." He said, a frightening grin spreading across his face at the mention of rarity. It had been a bit since Adrian had such a lavish meal, and given the situation he planned to indulge a tad as he'd been unable to as of late. With that in mind he fished out a small pouch he kept in his breast pocket, a collection of homemade narcotics that he fancied playing around with from time to time. Adrian began picking through his selection and contemplating his choices as he awaited either the food, or for something interesting to arise from the rooms occupants, whichever came first.