[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231116/b356da26fceccb813bae2fee371a5a98.png[/img][/center] addressing:Bianca, Rosemary[@Hero] Theobald [@Xiro Zean][hr] Justinian glared at Bianca. He bared his teeth. He muttered every curse he could think of and several more he made up on the spot. He did not fight her, however. All of that had left him the moment his own element turned its back on him. By the time they were ushered onto the bullet train, he couldn't even manage the token resistance of anger or outrage. He could only sit in his seat, staring at his chest, scratching absently at the seemingly dim spot where the Incepta's mark had once shone prominently. He couldn't even get it to spark now. It brought out a chuckle—a dry, pitiful thing. Part of him was screaming to do something. Try and comfort the other Scions, one of whom was the closest thing he had to a friend who had just gone through that horror with him. To call out Theobald's casual abuse of his own Templar for something she was clearly eating herself up about. To stop feeling sorry for himself. But he couldn't bring himself to care. Theo's death, Lucas's coronation, his own lockdown, the stir-crazy feeling that had been eating him alive for years now—he was just too drained to even think about helping anyone else right now.  Another failure to uphold his self-ordained task as a protector, another dry chuckle that only he knew the cause for. The arrival at the Royal Castle was equally funny—to be surrounded by such glamorous finery after a night so terrifically awful, capped off by being offered rest and conversation in the princess' Snuggery. He might've made a note of how ridiculous it all was if he were in better spirits, but instead he followed the giant oaf of a Fire Scion on the way to the snuggery. He was halfway there when he realized he hadn't even talked to Bianca about it, but honestly, he didn't think he had it in him to face his captor right now. It would just lead to yelling. It [i]always[/i] led to yelling. Or Silence. Or Passive-aggression. As they approached the Snuggery, however, Justinian did his best to put on a least a passing resemblance to a smile. As much of a mess as he felt, he didn't need to put that on the young girl who had just gone through hell. What she needed now was any form of reassurance and. . . he could do that, right? [color=darkorange]"Seems like it's just going to be the uh. . . three of us, Princess Rosemary?"[/color] Justinian manages a tired bow as he steps in, seeking to sink into the nearest soft object he could find and get off his feet. Every so often, he'd scratch at his chest, as he'd been doing the whole ride here.