[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Jack ([@Blizz]). [/right][right][b][code]Dairy Queen[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr][center][hider=Zack Hemsey - So Silent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKw2OlWO59k[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] The more Jack talked, the more Drake wanted to clock [i]him.[/i] However, the moment that Jack let go, Drake simply walked away and left that [i]Jack[/i]ass to listen to the sound of his voice. He didn't say a word or offer a glance to any of the other members of the Coven, not Lilla or Everlynn; he just got up and walked out without a word to any of them. However, Jack was fucking with his charger, and Drake whipped his head around back inside, ready to [i]really[/i] give him a reason to rant and rave. However, they were gone, and Drake sighed as he hopped into his car and made sure to speed off before the police came and started asking questions. He made it to the highway quickly and went for his destination. The Blackmore Manor. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KrLdjzt.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair, & Justin Haggar.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Layla ([@Estylwen])[/right][right][b][code]Flowers and Canvases.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Auri put her clothes back on. After she finished, she realized how it was just [i]somewhat[/i] poor leadership to get her rocks off while the rest of the Coven was off... doing whatever. She was sure that nobody even went to the strip club, and she had to handle things independently. It was a shame that was the more useful member of the Coven, but it was dead clear to her that many of the Covenites still had growing to do. And they were not trying to. Justin pulled his pants up and asked, "Need help cleaning up the Flower Shop?" Auri scoffed and waved Justin away. "You can head home if you like, but I have-" Then she got a text message from... Layla? [hr][center][hider=Auri's Text Conversation][img]https://i.imgur.com/oWI3hWP.png[/img][/hider][/center][hr] She passed on the meeting; she wondered what would be [i]so[/i] urgent, as she called Layla... Justin looked on with a raised eyebrow. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pc6Dokb.png[/img][h1][color=C67C12]Leon[/color][/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian ([@FernStone]), and Eve ([@LanaStorm]).[/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][center][hider=Kingdom Hearts 2.5 - The Other Promise][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU78E7S0fgs[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] Thanks to Britney and James, the Biker that was attacking Sully was driven off... she was hoping that it would have killed him (or rendered him impotent for the rest of his life), but getting him off Sully was top priority. Now, Britney was going to grab Linqian and the others and- She heard the two extra bullets pop. They were louder than anything else as Britney whipped her head around to see the unthinkable happen. Alizee was shot dead by the Wolfpack; Britney gasped, her mouth agape as she saw Alizee dead on the ground; the healing field was a second too late as Alizee was dead. Britney dropped to her knees as tears ran down her eyes as one of her only friends in the Old Coven was just cut down by a bunch of bikers. She couldn't even feel satisfaction as Cyril was dragged off into the Void by the Void Heart. Britney pounded the ground until her hand went red as she was brought back to the old Coven, where she watched many of her friends get killed by the Stygian Snake and its thralls. Britney just never got used to it. [h1][color=f4eb93][i]"ALIZÉE!"[/i][/color][/h1] Britney cried out as this peaceful strip club visit went [i]so[/i] south. She thought that she was just going to see some hoes shake ass! Now her friend was dead. And she felt like it was her fault because she didn't help - she should have sealed The Void Heart while she could! She shouldn't have been so stupid to assume that Alizee had a leash on the Void Heart. More Wolfpack had arrived, including what had to be their leader, but Britney had little to no desire to fight the Wolfpack like the others. However, their leader immediately dove for Eve after getting picked out; Eve was able to defend herself and escape. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”...C’mon, Sully’s on the move, let’s go… unless you’re sticking around to get killed.”[/color][/quote] Linqian brought her back to reality as Britney shot her head around to see Sully going towards that other group of girls (and that one hunky guy). Followed by a mighty wind, they disappeared, leaving behind disturbed dust, debris, and leaves. So, Sully was (hopefully) safe, leaving the matter of Britney and the rest of them saving themselves... They got their opening when a freaking phoenix flew from the other side of the parking lot and went directly at Judas, attempting to kick him, only to get countered by a wall of concrete. That was the distraction they needed as Britney whipped her head towards her car... thankfully, it was safe and only took a few strays. She quickly jetted over there, opened the door, and pushed it to start. Eve and Linqian got in... she wasn't sure where Stormy was, nor did she particularly care. If he wanted to play the hero, then that was his prerogative. Britney reversed and prepared to speed the fuck out of there and leave with her life. However, there was one last thing she had to take care of... she saw Leon; she stopped her car, stuck her hand out to the rear door on the opposite side of her, and summoned a vine to open the back door. Then shouted at Leon. [color=f4eb93][i]"GET IN!"[/i][/color] Feeling a great deal of shock at the forces in motion in his favor, Leon quickly shifted Alizee's body in his arm to yank the SUV door open. As it swung, his body twisted backward, and with both legs, he launched himself into her back seat, keeping the sleeping dead unharmed by the motion. Still in his lap, Leon flicked his foot beneath the door handle and pulled his leg back to slam it shut. [color=C67C12]"Go, now! Just get us to the Temple, Brit. Head toward Liendale and the woody side of town!"[/color] Then Britney put peddle to the metal and sped down the street as the Phoenix fought with Judas, bobbing and weaving through the shields. She noticed some militaristic tan truck, but the only thing on her mind was getting the hell out of there. Off to this... [i]temple.[/i][right][b][code]The Temple.[/code][/b][/right][hr]There was a quiet regality in the old steeple that the Richoux clan had first purchased almost 30 years ago. Dating back to the settlers who first made this region of America their home, the building had been restored over time using artisanal techniques to preserve its beauty in a way accepted by the State Historical Society. Surrounding it, half a dozen other buildings of more modern construction filled the small cul de sac with lights from windows and open doors. Young people gathered outside in small groups, smoking, drinking, and laughing as they spent the night in celebration: It had been a Ceremony Day, and many followers had spent nearly sixteen hours locked in the main steeple performing prayer and ritual under Matron's guidance. However, as the vehicle approached their little dead end of the world at high speed, there became a certain defensiveness. The youth enjoying their freedom formed a large clot in the road to prevent Britney from proceeding. As the vehicle slowed, Leon could see what was happening. He rolled his window down as they approached the car, sticking his head out. Some immediately backed off, prompting the others to do the same and allowing Britney to continue toward that main steeple building. It was a slow drive for the last hundred feet, the vehicle pulling into the Temple's driveway to park among the two dozen other vehicles gathered in the parking lot. [color=C67C12]“Just pull up to the front, Brit. Someone will valet the truck for you…”[/color] Leon's voice didn't sound like it used to; there used to be joy there. Regardless, the vehicle swung its side up to the front curb of the steeple, and someone watching the door descended the steps to begin the greeting process. He opened the back door, letting Leon slowly slide from the back seat as Britney handed her keys to walk beside him. When the two stood alongside one another, that vaguely familiar face was already staring at them from the entrance. Leon bowed his head in reverence toward the tall, robed woman. Her raven hair and piercing green eyes stuck out from beneath a hood that gently peeled back. As she removed it, her arms widened as if awaiting an embrace. “And what is this, Leon?” The simple question cut through the night air like a bullet. Leon didn't let it stop him from starting his somber climb up the steps toward her, breath ragged. His head turned to Britney. [color=C67C12]“Come on, Brit.”[/color] “[i]The[/i] Britney Williams? It has been [i] some time indeed.[/i]” the woman spoke to her now, stepping to the side of the door as Leon made it to the top. [color=f4eb93]“Yeah, me,”[/color] Britney said, [color=f4eb93]“Trying to get an autograph?”[/color] The two of them exchanged words with one another in French, and like a light switch, the woman went from calm and matriarchal to an absolute crying and wailing mess as her hands moved to cup the face of the corpse. She wept momentarily until she began snapping orders out to those gathered around. Within moments, the corpse was being ushered into the building and down a set of stone stairs while the elder woman clung to Leon in mourning. Those who had previously blocked them now coalesced into a massive huddle, almost trapping Britney in the mass of flesh as they responded to their matron's cries like loyal animals. They managed to file into the building in suits, the rows and rows of pews filling up as people began to gather around Lynette Richoux and her crying pain. Orange and white banners depicting a sun rising over the crest of a forest-covered hill hung from the high rafters, electric light beaming down like the place was a gallery. Leon stuck with his mother mostly, and when some of her adjutants began to shuffle her down a set of stairs behind the pulpit, Leon finally got some clothes in the form of a robe someone brought him. He slung it around himself and made his way back to Britney. [color=C67C12]“Fuck of a reunion, Sycamore… What the fuck happened at that God damned meeting that compelled her to go to Veni Vidi? Brit, what the fuck did I miss?”[/color] Britney shrugged as she looked up at Leon, [color=f4eb93]“I don’t know... I showed up late, and all I was told was that we were heading to a strip club, and I was like, 'Sure, let’s help some poor girl get through college!'”[/color] Then she awkwardly laughed as if trying to add levity to the situation. Then it hit her, and she asked the other group members. [color=f4eb93]“Was she even [i]at[/i] the meeting? I did not see her there, and mumbled something about a-"[/color] Britney finger quoted. [color=f4eb93]"-'personal investigation' before she... [i]you know[/i].”[/color] She cringed at the thought. While Alizee was her friend, Britney knew that she was a problem. A problem that she should have been the one to solve. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OKGd0x2.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/vrZLVRb.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jwQgcyG.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/RvwZ41R.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HNTW8VK.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/4d7aM7C.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TktKfdO.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/GjFxKZh.png[/img] [h1]The Greenwood Coven.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sully ([@Atrophy]). [/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Two shots went off, and Ruby craned over to the street. She knew it [i]couldn't[/i] have been anyone she cared about, but curiosity still drew her attention to the street. Naturally, that bitch that started all of this was cut down by the Wolfpack... Hmph. [i]Serves her right.[/i] Kashmira stopped singing as she looked on in shock herself, and thus, the healing aura was dropped. Ruby would tell her to drop the aura anyway, as it did more harm than good - they had completely negated all the damage they did to Valjean, taking him from his death throes back to total health. Whatever, they still had the full ability to kill him, as long as Wolfman... ... Didn't ignore them all to go and recover Alizee's body. "Good grief!" Ruby said to herself as she aimed her staff at Valjean, and a dull-yellow beam of energy came out and launched him off his feet. He crashed, hitting the ground, and thanks to Stormy's aura, he might not get back up...[h2][i]"WOLFPACK!"[/i][/h2] "... Oh, for [i]fuck's[/i] sake." Ruby hissed as she craned towards the roof to see Judas Bennet [i]himself[/i] standing there with the Curs. Now, Ruby had total faith in their chances of wiping out the Wolfpack... as long as Judas wasn't here. Judas damn near defeated the entirety of Greenwood by himself - and he has his wannabe biker crew (albeit the ones that hauled ass) this time. So, Ruby didn't have high faith in their odds... she didn't know what the other crew wanted to do, but it was dead straightforward that they wanted no part of this - well, except for Shield-Guy and the 8th St Goon. "... Ain't it funny," Jessica chimed in from Ruby's side, "We were supposed to get the drop on [i]him,[/i] but he ended up getting the drop on [i]us.[/i]" "That bitch ruined our entire plan," Ruby hissed. "She deserved a [i]lot[/i] worse than a fucking gunshot." "Do not speak ill of the dead, Ruby," Pearl chided her. "She is dead; it is over." "Amelia," Ruby said, "Get ready to teleport us out of here. We'll have to regroup and devise a whole new ass plan." She rolled her eyes. Amelia nodded as she subtly prepared the wind spell.... thankfully, the phoenix that made his explosive entrance had decided to engage Judas. Keeping all the attention off of them just long enough for Greenwood to make their exit. Ruby raised her staff in the air and shouted. "Everyone, bunch up!" That was when the Greenwood Coven bunched up under the cover of Stormy's shields - even Sully jumped in - then Amelia activated her spell... and a barrage of violent winds infused with leaves hit them. Then, when it reached its peak, they vanished. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...[i][b][h1]"HOUDINI NINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"[/h1][/b][/i] James could be heard shouting from the distance. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QPLFqKR.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/CAONHK9.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/e3gV256.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hfAXGHT.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CoRfSte.png[/img][h1]Judas Bennet, The Curs, and Samson Brown.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Clancy ([@Zombiedude101]), & Stormy ([@Blizz])[/right][right][b][code]Rooftops overlooking the chaos.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Bianca got behind the shield and gave Samson a bit of a boost... he was tempted to joke that he didn't need it, but Momma always told him to be appreciative. Bianca would probably be safe as long as Samson remained the biggest problem for the Wolfpack, and he hoped Agent Phillips would be here with the others. However, Stormy had some parting words for the two PRA Agents... [quote=Stormy][color=00ff98]"That woman who they shot, she was better than the Wolfpack made her out to be. Do me a favor and don't let them get away after what they've done."[/color][/quote] Samson chuckled. He had no clue who the girl who just died was, but if they didn't stop the Wolfpack, a lot more people were likely to die. "Don't worry, I got this-" Then she looked up at the rooftop and saw a God damn [i]kid[/i] in the jaws of one of the Curs. He was getting thrashed around like he was some type of chew toy... Samson's eyes shot open before he just [i]acted[/i] on complete impulse. He hopped into the air, transformed into his phoenix form, and flew directly at Judas, rushing him head-on with a valiant screech. Samson flipped mid-air and attempted to kick Judas... only for Judas to throw his hand up and create a circular wall of concrete, rebar, wire, and windows, and Samson kicked the barrier, sending bits and pieces of debris skyward. Judas let go of the Curs and launched his hand forward, creating several enormous hands made out of concrete that stretched toward Samson. He ducked and dove opened his mouth and spewed an inferno out of his mouth, and Judas simply swiped his hand and created another barrier made out of concrete. Samson then dove in, spinning so fast that he just appeared as a drill, broke through the barrier as if it were nothing, and continued pushing. Judas detached the piece of roof that he was on and flew backward as he created tendrils made out of concrete that hit Samson directly and launched him. He did a flip midair and kept flying towards Judas, not letting him get so much of a [i]second[/i] of respite by barraging him with fireballs out of his mouth. Forcing Judas to continue backpedaling, putting up defensive barriers. However, he lifted them all, sent them at Samson, and hit him several times, leaving cracks in his phoenix form. Samson was forced to land on one of the other rooftops and came to a skidding stop as the wounds Judas left regenerated... "... Oh, hi, Samson," Samson turned to see Agent Mayfield and Agent Page on the rooftop directly beside him, with the former giving him an awkward wave. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/or6k99r.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/W7DVR22.png[/img][h1]Élodie & Valjean Vasil.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Dean ([@silvermist1116]).[/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] It was funny that Dean didn't leave while Judas was here despite making it clear that he wanted to cut and run. Even he wasn't going to piss off Poppa Wolf! Élodie wasn't going to run, not from some kids, nor would she just let them run. She noticed Greenwood vanishing and another group of bitches getting in an SUV and trying to speed off. Well, trying was the keyword. Élodie grinned as she knew the shields wouldn't block an attack from above, so Elodie raised her M79 Grenade launcher and grinned as she prepared to send those bitches to Go- A taser dart hit Élodie in the neck, and she convulsed, dropped the grenade launcher, and fell over. "Élodie!" Valjean said in his monstrous voice... he felt the vibrations in the ground; many of them were approaching. He looked up at the rooftop and saw a sniper and another bitch... then a whole-ass army truck approaching. Then it all hit him! [h3]"... FUCK IT'S THE FEDS!"[/h3] Valjean saw Judas fighting Samson, but as it stood, it was very unwise to stay in this engagement. Not with Cyril and Victor dead, Maggy and Shayton MIA, and the PRA coming down on them at the same time. Élodie would have been fine dying in an insane hurrah, but not Valjean; he still cared for his sister and fellow Wolfpack! He managed to climb out of the ice and jog over to Élodie, knelt, scooped her up... and got hit with a taser dart from the sniper, which couldn't pierce his shell. He turned towards Dean and said, "Dean, I'm getting out of here with Élodie! Figure out what the fuck you're going to do quick" With his claws, he grabbed his and Élodie's motorcycles. That was when he started running down the street... unfortunately, he wasn't that fast in Scorpion form, but he was functionally impervious to any taser darts or bullets. He wasn't sure what Dean was going to do, nor did he give a damn long as he stayed out of Valjean's way. Judas and the Curs were probably going to be the center of attention. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/x8slyeV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/f9M4emQ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Cduq3Ee.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gnXxYCo.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/CTw50k0.png[/img][h1]The PRA.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Bianca ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] The GPS said they were two minutes away; Nakala could hear the chaos in the distance and wanted to put peddle to the metal because it sounded crazy. However, Nakala did the opposite, bringing the vehicle to a skidding stop and looking in the back. "Sonya, Helena, get into position on the rooftop! Snipe anyone that's in the engagement!" "Aye, aye!" Sonya said as she hopped out of the PRA truck and into the air, attaching to the wall, and scaling it as if it was nothing with her M24 strapped to her back. Helena stepped out, stuck her hands out, and summoned glowing blue ethereal birds that lifted her to the rooftops. Then Nakala put peddle to the metal and sped down the empty streets of St. Portwell in this militaristic vehicle with the FBI Logo on the side. However, on the way there, a white GMC Yukon hauled ass in the opposite direction, and Nakala put her finger on her earpiece and shouted, "Helena, tail them with some birds!" "On it," Then that was when Nakala finally made it to the scene... she had to swerve suddenly to the right to avoid running over one of Stormy's shields and trashing [i]another[/i] vehicle. "I think I see Agent Manalo!" Fiona quickly detected Bianca with her superior senses and pointed; thus, Nakala stopped the vehicle. She hopped out, grabbed her compound bow, and aimed it at where Fiona was pointing, loaded an arrow glowing. with a green aura... she launched it. It exploded into a portal that created a pathway directly over to the PRA vehicle. Then she shouted, [h3]"AGENT MANALO, GET IN!"[/h3] [i]"... I got a nice body armor for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"[/i] Trevor shouted in a sing-song as he poked his head out the window, holding a bulletproof vest (that ironically said FBI) with his thumb and index finger. "Trevor, get your ass back in the truck!"