[@Omega Man] [@Simple Unicycle] [h1] [center] [img]https://seeklogo.com/images/S/Supergirl-logo-4BCCE5BD97-seeklogo.com.png[/img] [/center][/h1] Kara walked into the room where the other heroes were. She wasn’t as hungry as the others, she felt quite anxious about a villain being able to sneak into the tower. The blonde hero folded her arms while speaking to the other heroes. “[color=00aeef]I didn’t see Sandman before the tower was attacked, so I cannot say if he was acting suspiciously.[/color]” Turning her attention towards The Question. “[color=00aeef]Do you have any theories about who could have attacked the tower?[/color]” She thought he would have some idea about who the culprit was. Part of her wished that Batman was here to help with the investigation. “[color=00aeef]I don’t think I have any villains that would have access to that kind of gas.[/color]” She thought for a moment about anyone in her rogue gallery that such a devastating weapon. “[color=00aeef]But feel like there’s a villain Batman had fought before that would use something like that. Poison Ivy, or was it Doctor Death?[/color]” Rubbing her chin being in deep thought. Her stomach started rumbling, all of that hallucinating had made her quite hungry. “[color=00aeef]If you can could you get me a pepper and egg sandwich, I would greatly appreciate it.[/color]” She said to Starman. It seemed for a moment her mind had wandered towards food. “[color=00aeef]What do you think of this whole situation Mr.Tornado?[/color]” Focusing back on the situation at hand. She too was trying to figure out the whole situation. “[color=00aeef]Where is Sandman right now? Perhaps we could talk to him about his whereabouts before the attack?[/color]” Her statement sounded more like an interrogation than asking a few questions. But what Question brought up made her a little suspicious of Sandman.