[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SsKD1sr.png[/img] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 23rd, Evening [color=peru]Location:[/color] A Masquerade in a Stuffy Place [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] Peter [@JJ Doe] & Perslivia [@Potter] [color=Peru][url=https://i.imgur.com/qc4Q1sY.jpeg]Mask[/url] & [url=https://i.imgur.com/nP2Ilq2.png]Masquerade[/url] (Note: pants)[/color][/center] Whooo, Stratya could pick the Queen out from a mile away. It really reminded her of what a hornet's nest she was in. She'd needed a lot of etiquette training after her knighting, and she'd hated all of it. Well, there were bits that were fun, but the strictness of it all had been a real damper. She found she was able to apply some things to her daily life, at least. Posture helped her improve her swordplay, and she'd at least managed to get some formal music training out of it all- was that her fife she brought? Her hand had brushed past it on her hip. Had the Prince not noticed or not cared? Maybe he hadn't seen it, for everything else. It was a little bit behind her, on her hip, but having it [i]did[/i] give her an idea. She hadn't really formed her costume around any kind of theme, but she'd brought an instrument, so some kind of musician, then. She'd work on it. At any rate, she should participate. She reminded herself again that she was very firmly off-duty, and began to look for someone to talk to. Maybe someone that looked like they also felt out of place? A wine glass in hand, the disguised Knight meandered, unsure of how she would even strike up conversation. She was puzzling and delaying when suddenly [i]Where's me fife gone?[/i] In the middle of everything, her fife had disappeared from its holster. Off-duty or not, this occurrence did flip a certain switch. Stratya's eyes scanned her surroundings with new purpose. Others were missing things. She could see by their body language. She saw confusion on a nearby face, and listened closely to hear that he had [i]gained[/i] a possession, before he also discovered he was missing a pocket watch. A quick check of her pockets found such a thing. She approached the man, the pocket watch in her hand, "is this yehrs? It was in my pocke', embarrassingly. I'm missing m'fife, m'self," Stratya turned her hip to show the empty holster, "what kind of bard am I, eh? Oh, that one's not yours? Ooh, waily. That's me fife, though, thank yuh. C'mon, then, shall go find yer watch, and whoever this belongs to?" The stranger's watch wasn't far, and he parted from her company at that point, leaving Stratya to sort out this little mess on her own. She also trapped her fife with the pull-cable to her hidden weapon. Whoever perpetrated this mischief was playing with fire.