[CENTER][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEyOC43MDgwOTAuVEhsemN5QkNkWEp1Y3cuMA/irrep.regular.webp[/img][/CENTER] [sub][right][color=slategray]Interactions:[/color] Linqian ([@Fernstone]) and Greyson ([@AtomicEmperor]). [/right] [right][color=slategray][i]Flowers and Canvases > Biker Gangs v. The Coven/s Brawl[/i][/color][/right][/sub] [hr] [indent] [color=CD5C5C]"Sure did, party’s over and all.”[/color] Lyss returned Linqian's unexpected smile with a brief smile of her own. Linqian's response had her caught between disappointment and relief. It would have been great to see the coven back together in one room again, but she couldn't imagine how discordant a meeting would have gone between the group after so many years. [color=CD5C5C]”Auri’s still in there, but the rest of the group went to a stripclub chasing a lead. I was about to join them… You coming along, or you gonna go get Auri to fill you in on all the boring shit you missed?”[/color] Lyss chuckled softly. A Sycamore Tree Coven meeting was probably far off from "boring", but she figured she would get the details from Auri later. It seemed like the Coven was already jumping into action instead of bickering over the past. Lyss could work with that. [color=f49ac2]"Well God damn, if it ain't Lyss Burns!"[/color] Turning her attention towards Greyson, Lyss smirked in approval. The conman still had his charm. [color=f49ac2]"I was just about to split; I need to check on some things that I haven't had the chance to yet. Auri ain't leave yet, so like Linqian said, if you wanna get in there and bother her I'm sure she'd be real happy to see, y'know, a face that isn't insane or whatever."[/color] Her eyebrows rose in response to his laugh, yet the edges of her eyes crinkled with amusement. Perhaps the reunion would have been worth the effort to be on time. How much had the other members changed over the years? Would they all greet her with the same enthusiasm? Greyson was off in a flash, in the passenger seat next to what she assumed was his private chauffeur. He really must have hit the conman's jackpot over the years. Lyss caught Linqian's eye-roll in her peripherals and held back a smirk. [color=SlateGray]"I'll see you there."[/color] She said with a nod. Linqian was off just as quickly as Greyson. Which left Lyss back at square one. She looked across the street at Auri's flower shop and figured she could at least catch her for a quick hello. Linqian made it sound like Auri was headed to the stripclub too, but it didn't seem like the right place to make a first appearance after so many years. Now that she thought about it, it would be a lot easier to say hello now with the rest of the returning coven members gone. No chaotic personalities to compete with, no awkward tensions between them, and no one to start an argument over something trivial. It was perfect. Lyss glanced up and down the street once before making her way across. While she may not have been close with Auri, just as close as she was with any of the others, Auri had been the only one to reach out to her over the years. This time there was a chance that she could make a personal connection to Auri and, well, anyone willing. This tiny spark of hope ushered Lyss to the front door, where she looked inside and immediately regretted her decision. [color=SlateGray]"Oh, what the-"[/color] Lyss sputtered out as she felt her cheeks flush. She quickly turned away from the shop, heading directly to her sportster. [color=SlateGray]"On the counter, Auri?"[/color] She huffed a laugh and shook her head. Her chance of chatting privately was not going to happen. Lyss made quick work with the kickstand and straddled her ride, starting it up with practiced speed. She shook the unwanted image out of her head as she typed in the directions to Veni Vedi-whatever, before she tugged on her helmet. She was gone before anyone had the chance to see her outside, before she had to have an incredibly awkward talk with Auri instead of a greeting. [hr] About thirty minutes later, Lyss sat with her sportster idling humming beneath her about a block or two down from Veni Vedi Veni, safely tucked in behind a large truck with a perfect view of the scene ahead. The visor to her helmet was open, and her lips pressed together in a frown. It seemed like she had missed [i]another[/i] infamous Sycamore Tree party. This time she was definitely relieved about it. The shitshow she almost rode into was finally settling down, but she couldn't believe just how much had happened in such a short amount of time. The Hound had greeted more than one soul in the fight, even claiming a pale skinned woman she easily recognized as Alizee. It wasn't hard to distinguish her former Coven amidst the masked vigilantes, whom Lyss had no idea who they were, and the biker gang. It was obvious that they were the Wolfpack, considering a few of their members continued to shout the name as loudly as they could. What really caught her attention was the SWAT van that peeled in to join the melee. Her eyes had narrowed at the agents disguised as St. Portwell police. The moment they displayed their abstractions, Lyss immediately recognized them as the PRA. What the hell had happened to St. Portwell, for it to get like this? It was worse than she expected. Especially when the infamous wolfpack leader - Judas, right? - gave a rather underwhelming entrance with his Curs. The Curs, of course, stole his spotlight. Making him appear rather boring next to them. [i]This isn't the guy Auri thinks is behind the wolf carvings, right?[/i] There must have been some type of miscommunication. To put the cherry on top of the cake, there was even a supernatural kid involved. Lyss didn't even question it, considering he was currently in the jaws of a Cur. Whatever he was, he would either survive it or he wouldn't be an issue to think about for long. While Lyss considered watching this scuffle come to an end, it seemed like the perfect time to dip out. The Sycamore Tree Coven had made their exit pretty quickly, and she had no business getting caught in PRA affairs. She pulled her phone from her pocket, making sure to keep the current PRA v. Judas battle in the corner of her vision, and sent Auri a quick text. [color=SlateGray][b]"I ran into Linqian outside the shop and followed her to the stripclub. Long story short, don't come. Shit hit the fan and they all scattered. Wolfpack and PRA involved. Let me know what the next move is."[/b][/color] Lyss almost mentioned Alizee's death... It wasn't right to say over text. None of this was right, anyways. Lyss wasn't sure what she expected to happen, but it certainly wasn't this. With a huff, Lyss popped her visor back in place and peeled off before the PRA, or Judas's Curs, had a chance to notice her. She sped off, not really sure where to go next, until she felt her stomach rumble. Oh, right. She hadn't eaten since lunch. Lyss checked the closest food joint open as she sat at a red light. The ticking of the light only added to her irritation. Not even one full day in St. Portwell, and the Coven was already disappointing her. Yet it was becoming more apparent that she was needed here. The checks and balances of St. Portwell were off, and it seemed like an agent of the Hound was needed to fix that. Lyss could only hope that [i]some[/i] of the Coven had enough sense to work through their differences and get their shit together. Lyss knew she couldn't do it alone. The light turned green, and Lyss revved her engine up before taking off. her stomach was practically growling the moment she removed her helmet. She was parked outside the local Dairy Queen, and the smell of ice cream and grease only made her hunger worse. She hopped off the bike and threw her bag over her shoulder before heading to the entrance. The door chimed as she opened it, and Lyss made quick work to scan the patrons inside. Her eyes stopped on the group of Sycamore Tree's huddled together. The sight only added to her disappointment of the day. How the fuck had Sloane broken her nose and Luca snapped his wrist? Did Lyss miss the memo? Was everyone supposed to fight on their first day back? Lyss turned her head away and marched up to the counter, deciding to ensure she wouldn't starve if she got caught up in the Coven's BS before she ordered. She made it quick, asking for a chicken tender basket and a small chocolate shake, paying with cash before taking her receipt and stepping aside to wait. She crossed her arms as she leant against the counter. From this point, she could just barely hear the words the Coven members were saying to each other. It would be alright if they didn't notice her. A younger part of her thought that she was better off without their problems anyways. [/indent]