[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] (And Leon!)[/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian ([@FernStone]), Eve ([@LanaStorm]), & Leon and the Sexy Lynette ([@AtomicEmperor]).[/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Britney was unnerved by the Temple. She wished that she had just ignored Leon, swerved to the left, and found some random field to bury Alizee in (because God forbid they take her to a hospital or funeral home, that would end [b][i]so[/i][/b] poorly). The Temple was a cult, plain and simple - and unlike Sycamore, they didn't seem like they had good intentions. Though Lynette was a very sexy cult leader, she had that sinister allure... Britney had to keep her head on a swivel and not get roped into a cult because she got horny. She swallowed as Linqian [i]eloquently[/i] answered her questions... [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]"She came, then left soon as Kali said he was a fed. It was a whole thing. Eve here nearly shot him."[/color][/quote] Britney tilted her head as she contorted her face into one of confusion. [color=f4eb93]"Kali is [i]what?[/i]"[/color] She started, before turning to Eve, [color=f4eb93]"And Eve did [b][i]WHAT?!"[/i][/b][/color] Now, Britney had just wished she had just given it another day and heard about all of this second hand. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]"I assume she went to Veni Vedi because Auri said she found a lead there. What led to all the fighting is beyond me. I assumed we'd all go there, get some strippers, and ask around for some info. I was even ready to buy everyone's drinks, but nooo by the time I turned up it was a shitshow. Knowing Alizée, she went in there, causing a scene. Kinda her fault she died."[/color][/quote] [color=f4eb93]"Linqian!"[/color] Britney scolded her on the final sentence, even though she couldn't find why she would be [i]wrong.[/i] As Britney can tell, Alizée went off without telling anybody and got into a whole situation. Granted, Alizée was a grown-ass woman, and Britney and Sycamore shouldn't [i]have[/i] to babysit her. Still, they also had to remember that she was adjoined to a dangerous Apparition that was [i]clearly[/i] influencing her mind. If Britney had just sealed the damn thing into a coin and thrown it into The Pit, this wouldn't have happened. Hopefully, now that she's dead, the Void Heart will remain in the Void where he belongs. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]"[i]You.[/i] You owe me a new car. You fucking destroyed mine when you were playing golden furry while trying to run away with her… which sure worked out well! You know she wasn't the only one who got shot… we just weren't fucking stupid enough to walk up to someone with a gun as if they wouldn't shoot us! No wonder she was insane enough to if shes part of this cult... I lost my car and got shot, for what? I just walked into the parking lot! I can't afford a new fucking car… some of us don't have a cult to take care of our dead bodies and have their brother's. Fucking. Ashes. Sitting in their cupboard."[/color][/quote] Britney listened to the rant and visibly cringed, especially at Linqian's revelation towards the end. Britney sighed as she grabbed Linqian by her upper arm and pulled her away from Leon. She sighed before she spoke, [color=f4eb93]"Look, Linqian, relax,"[/color] She started, [color=f4eb93]"I'll help you fix your car, it's the least I can do for Jinhai, and... you know what, we'll talk about the other thing [i]later[/i]."[/color] She tried to buff things over before Leon got mad, and Britney couldn't help but get a little bit fearful as he began his spiel. She wanted to tell him to calm down, too, but she knew that was [i]not[/i] going to help... then Lynette spoke. [color=8882be]"Steel yourself. Your fury and defense are both unnecessary in the case... For all that brave little Coven did, each of your old companions are welcome here in our House and are counted among our extended family. As any family, she hurts with us and we shall not turn her away... [color=CD5C5C]Young Lady,[/color] I encourage you to place your name and information in the Book of Registry, that we may deliver unto you the recompense that you deserve. Medical expenses and transportation necessities will be provided for without question. The same can be extended to any of the Sycamore Tree Coven's many disparate members. Though, we do... Well... [color=000000]Sonnenrad's Remnants[/color] are not exactly the first people we'd like ourselves associated with, perhaps it's a necessary evil. Now, please... Register and be recognized as one of the most charming and graceful."[/color] The last thing that Britney wanted [i]anyone[/i] here to do was sign their name in a creepy book. She grabbed onto Linqian a bit tighter as the urge to cut and run was so strong right now. She raised a finger to her mouth and began chewing her nails - she hadn't gotten her nails done in a while! As she looked at Lynette and flatly said, [color=f4eb93]"I'm good; I have my own resources, thank you,"[/color] That was a sign to get the [i]hell[/i] out of here before shit got too deep, but there was one pressing question on Britney's mind. One only Leon could answer, so she turned and asked him, [color=f4eb93]"You were there when we got there, just [i]what[/i] happened?"[/color] [color=C67C12]"I'd been there since the place opened doing the exact same thing everyone else wanted to do. Saw some titty, day drank, sitting there waiting for Judas to hopefully show up. But he didn't. Eventually this red headed lady shows up. Burly chick, I figured she was a day bouncer or something, but I kinda..."[/color] He paused momentarily, reaching for a cell phone that wasn't there. It was probably smashed machine parts in the strip club parking lot. [color=C67C12]"-Fuck, I don't know, I thought I recognized her from the internet. Either way, its status quo for hours, but then Alizee shows up. Doesn't see me, so I watched the whole thing. She was at the bar, standing and talking for a minute or two, and then bam! Her and the red head are into it. That's when I tried to step in, and some of the others showed up to help their friend. I was trying to talk Alizee down, and then you all showed up. That's it..."[/color] Britney put a hand on her hip. [color=f4eb93]"... You were there since it [i]opened?[/i] You like titties that much?"[/color] She laughed... trying to play off the fact that she thought that there was [i]something[/i] that Leon was leaving out. She [i]knew[/i] it, but she knew it was not the best idea to keep pressing the subject when all that would happen was splinter the group. She shouldn't have asked in the first place and just went there to trigger a Recollection and see it with her own two eyes. Or third eye. Or mind. [i]Whatever.[/i] Maybe finding out who those girls are would help; maybe she would ask Sully. She turned towards the other two and then to Lynette and raised a finger, asking. [color=f4eb93]"What will you all do with Alizee's body?"[/color]