[center][h1]Yūma Amano[/h1][/center] [center][h2]Approaching Branch-092[/h2][/center] Yūma was speeding across the side roads, vaguely approaching Branch-092, as he usually did during his morning routine. He woke up earlier than necessary every morning so he could go out and enjoy himself on the road a bit, suit jacket whipping in the wind as he weaved and leaned into each turn, the roads he was tearing along almost as familiar to him as HQ was. It was why he had to drive as fast as he was, it was the only way to wring any enjoyment out of such a well tread route. He was expected to be in the office today, so he couldn't range out to further away roads he was less familiar with. Still, it was always a pleasant wake up call to feel the wind in his hair as he raced along, turning onto a more main road, reluctantly slowing down to a reasonable speed as he began travelling roads that actually saw some police presence. Last thing he needed was explaining to his superiors why he was late because he got pulled over doing triple digits on any of the surrounding roads. Moving towards the front building, there was a nearby spot he parked that let him walk the rest of the way, and was one of several discreet parking locations for agents who had their own transport they took to and from the Branch. Securing his bike in the underground parking garage, he took a casual stroll towards the Branch front, stepping in just ahead of when he was supposed to be there, and right on schedule... "Welcome, Agent Amano." Grinning to himself, Yūma made his way to the elevator, happening to catch it as soon as it returned from the depths of the Branch proper. The angle of its descent always threw off new recruits and the like, most folks not used to elevators moving at an angle like that. You got used to it though, and the former officer hummed to himself, leaning on the wall of the elevator while he straightened his suit out, brushing out the mild untidiness from having ridden his bike in to the office. The elevator wasn't too terribly long, must be running smoothly today, and the agent stepped out of the elevator, continuing to hum to himself as he went through the final identity checkpoint, mostly a formality that. But an important one all the same, and he before he could consider what he would do to keep himself busy today, he spotted one Agent Murakami, and decided he could stall by at least being polite. [color=lightblue]"Agent Murakami, good morning! Another wonderful day in the life, isn't it?"[/color] Yūma had a casual, pleasant tone as he approached the agent, greeting her with the same generally pleasant demeanor he addressed everyone with when not on the job proper, as it were. He heard some of the scuttlebutt about the woman, not a lot of it pleasant, which he saw as kind of pathetic really, on the part of the detractors. Especially the ones who were glorified desk jockeys who sat around pushing papers all day, but that was consideration for another time.