[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231116/b356da26fceccb813bae2fee371a5a98.png[/img][/center] addressing:Asshole Prince, Rosemary[@Hero] Theobald [@Xiro Zean], Dom [@Abstract Proxy][hr] [color=darkorange]"Ah, didn't see you there Dom. My bad and come on in. More the merrier."[/color] *Justinian nodded to the newer Scion, but before he could continue, their host had come to address them. While the greeting was rote and practiced, the fact that she was able to string a sentence together at all was impressive after the night she'd just been through. Not to mention even trying to gather up the other Scion's to try and. . . decompress? [color=darkorange][i]The kid is made of stern stuff than I was at her age.[/i][/color] Justinian couldn't help but remember the conversation he had overheard between Kaspar and asshole Prince with a tired grin. She seemed a better fit for Scionhood than either of them were turning out to be. Maybe Lucas was too quick to count her out as being just a child. The scion of earth had just managed to relax when, as if summoned by his own thoughts, the man of the hour walked into the Snuggery to sling venom and glares as was his want. So much for any chance for this to be a moment of calm or ease. [color=darkorange]"Speaking of stories,I wonder if Prince Lucas has ever heard about the one involving the Pot and the kettle."[/color] Justinian mutters, but doesn't push the confrontation. He was too exhausted to deal with the asshole right now, and causing a fight in the Princess' Snuggery was not how he wanted to end this night. Instead, he decided to sit down near Dom and Rosemary, reaching for a cup to recieve his tea with as he joins the conversation. [color=darkorange]"I've always been partial to Petey and the Pumpkin. Used to play out the with my buds when I was a lil bit older than the Princess here."[/color] He taps a finger on the table, fishing for the memory as he continues to scratch at his chest through the fabric. [color=darkorange]"Of course, we didn't really have pumpkins in my hometown, so we tended to just get a cardboard box and paint it up like one before who ever played ol' Petey put it on their head and chased everyone else around." [/color]